#SundayPost: January is almost over!

Posted January 26, 2020 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   Heartland by Sarina Bowen
  •   A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting

eARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

Audiobooks thanks to Tantor Media:

How are you all? This week was pretty low key for me. It was a 4 day work week and nothing major happened, so that is always a plus. This week will be CRAZY though because its Catholic Schools Week. So each day is a crazy schedule, there are assemblies, awards, etc. Thankfully I had to take Monday and Friday off for doctor appointments! Yay!

My reading has kind of sucked this month. I just haven’t read much at all. I’m not sure why. But, I have been working on learning modern calligraphy or hand lettering and I’m enjoying that!

This weekend my husband is out at Winter Field day with his ham radio club. On Saturday, I brought him some stuff he forgot and hung out for about an hour or so. I don’t understand anything about ham radios and what they were doing, but I got to see my husband and one of my friends from college, so it was worth it.

How was your week?

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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7 responses to “#SundayPost: January is almost over!

  1. A low key week is something that you probably needed Samantha after all the worry about changing job and all! I hope that soon you’ll find your dream job. Have a great week and …good luck!!!!

  2. Oh I forgot about that Dr. Pepper dude! I used to see those ads aLL the time lol…

    I don’t much about ham radio but I do kinda remember reading some older mysteries where they used them, and it seemed really cool.

    Anyway have a great week!

  3. Say what? The Dr. Pepper guy is Justin Guarini? Never (ever) would have guessed it. Hooray for a low-key week! And another hooray for missing two days of the upcoming crazy week. LOL I started practicing hand lettering a couple weeks ago and immediately felt like a failure. I always think I should be able to do something perfect the first time. Never mind that any skill takes practice. So I get dejected, feel like a failure… womp womp. I need to keep practicing but it’s harder than it looks (to me)!

  4. A more normal week without anything blowing it up sounds awesome. When I don’t get much reading done or don’t feel like reading what I have, it’s time for a genre mixup. You are doing that a bit with more thrillers. Or if you want to just stay with romance, even a different sub-genre or trope might help. I also like to read something I have just really wanted to read for a long time but haven’t managed to fit in my schedule, which is most always something I own.

    Good luck! Enjoy your shorter week and some good books this week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Toxic Vengeance by Kaylea Cross
  5. Good luck on your calligraphy efforts and I hope you find some enjoyable reads. Yay for a low-key week. I always relish those. Happy reading, Sam! 🙂

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