#SundayPost: May 8th

Posted May 8, 2022 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

Nothing. It was a rough week.

Who knows. Maybe nothing.

@frizfrizzle What’s The Starting Word? #elton #eltonjohn #sorryseemstobethehardestword #wordle #parody #songparody #songparodies #musicalparodies #musicalcomedy ♬ original sound – Friz Frizzle

eARC thanks to the author:

Before I get into Debbie Downer mode, Happy mother’s day!!!

This has been the worst week. My coteacher isn’t coming back for the rest of the year, so I have to take over being the general education teacher and the intervention specialist for our final weeks of school. Y’all, it is so much work. And, because its the end of the year, my students are behaving like little demons.

Thursday, we had to put our dog, Yoda, to sleep. He was at least 15 years old (we don’t know exactly but they told us he was about 2 years old when we rescued him) and for a dog his size (he was a Shepard mix), 15 is old. But, the found a large mass in his stomach. He has lost over 15 lbs. He had trouble moving, and was unable to get up and down stairs. But, it was still shocking to hear the vet say it was time. He was such a great dog.

So yeah, that was my awful, terrible, no good, very bad week. Add in a disagreement with my principal and you have the icing on my crappy cake. I’m just gonna cry for a little while longer.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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10 responses to “#SundayPost: May 8th

  1. I am over here crying for you and Yoda. So sorry to hear about it. ((HUGS)) Good luck with the rest of the year. Are they at least giving you a sub to help in the classroom? I now they can’t do planning, but someone else in the room is something.

  2. I am so sad for yoda Samantha! My dog is 12 and she is sick since this weekend so I get it. I dread the day she won’t be there. As for school, hang on tight, it’s just a few more weeks. Extra hugs for you today!

  3. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! It is so hard with our furry family members. Poor Yoda. I don’t blame you for having nothing to do this week. And UGH! Having your co-teacher leave you for the last bit of school? That sucks so bad! This is the craziest time of year and it sucks that you have to do it all yourself. And with all the sub issues I assume they’re not even getting you a warm body to be in the room with you to help? 🙁 Ugh. I hope the last weeks of school go by easier for you than they usually are. Take care of yourself! Do what you need to take care of you and your family, and let school be after that. You are more important!

  4. Oh no! I’m sorry to hear you’re being loaded up will all the work right towards the end of the year. It’s only a few more weeks, that can be your mantra to try and help you get through. I am so sorry about your dog, though. It’s like losing one of the family even though you know you’re doing the best for them it doesn’t make it any easier. You take the time to cry and I hope you can find some time for yourself because it definitely sounds like you deserve it.

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