Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

Posted May 9, 2022 in review Tags: , , ,

Darkfever by Karen Marie MoningDarkfever by Karen Marie Moning
Length: 8 hr, 57 min

Series: Fever #1
Genres: Paranormal
Setting: Dublin, Ireland
Source: Audible
Narrator: Joyce Bean
Also in this series: Darkfever , Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever
Also by this author: Darkfever , Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever
Amazon iBooks Audible

MacKayla Lane’s life is good. She has great friends, a decent job, and a car that breaks down only every other week or so. In other words, she’s your perfectly ordinary twenty-first-century woman. Or so she thinks…until something extraordinary happens.
When her sister is murdered, leaving a single clue to her death–a cryptic message on Mac’s cell phone–Mac journeys to Ireland in search of answers. The quest to find her sister’s killer draws her into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems, where good and evil wear the same treacherously seductive mask. She is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to learn how to handle a power she had no idea she possessed–a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae….
As Mac delves deeper into the mystery of her sister’s death, her every move is shadowed by the dark, mysterious Jericho, a man with no past and only mockery for a future. As she begins to close in on the truth, the ruthless Vlane–an alpha Fae who makes sex an addiction for human women–closes in on her. And as the boundary between worlds begins to crumble, Mac’s true mission becomes clear: find the elusive Sinsar Dubh before someone else claims the all-powerful Dark Book–because whoever gets to it first holds nothing less than complete control of the very fabric of both worlds in their hands….

I’m not sure how I never read this before now, but I finally tackled Darkfever! I have to say, I was surprised. It was interesting, I didn’t think the heroine was too stupid to live, and I appreciated that she didn’t want to change who she was!

Mack goes to Ireland to find out who killed her sister, but she gets introduced to a world she never imagined. Seelie and Unseelie, the mysterious Barrons, and a vampire become her new reality. I felt that her natural reaction to think it was all unbelievable was realistic. Mack finally gets Barrons to help her, and as a pair they are the original grumpy/sunshine! I appreciate that Mack refused to give up her love of frilly, girly things and the color pink despite every protest he makes. But, I was also surprised by the lack of sex. Now, there is almost sex because of the sex fae (V’lane), but really the story is about Mack’s entre into this world.

Perhaps I might have found this story less enjoyable if I read it during the hight of vampire and Fae books. But, this was an enjoyable return to a genre I used to love! I plan to continue with the series for sure. I listened to the audio and found the narrator to be great-wonderful southern and Irish accents, which isn’t easy to do!



The Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh, The Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs, Lords of the Underworld series by Gena Showalter…then you will probably like Darkfever!


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2 responses to “Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

  1. Great review. I have read the series but they weren’t my cup of tea but I know I am in the minority so what do I know haha I am glad you are enjoying it though. I do love her time travel books.

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