Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
- [17 May] #SundayPost: The new normal?
- [19 May] Dirty Charmer by Emma Chase ★★★★
- [20 May] #LastNowNext: May 20th
- [21 May] Ruthless Princess by Rachel Van Dyken ★★★★★
- [22 May] #FreebieFriday: May 22nd
- [23 May] Dream Maker by Kristen Ashley ★★★★
- Broken by Rebecca Zanetti
- Sweet Spot by Rebecca Jenshak
- Freedom by JL Drake
New Releases the week of May 25th:
Friday was officially our last day of school and I am excited to not be tethered to a computer all day. However, its bittersweet because I didn’t get to say goodbye in person.
I had an appointment with my audiologist Friday to get fitted for new hearing aids. Mine are about 8 years old and if anything were to happen to them, they have to be shipped off to repair. I don’t have a backup. Honestly, the average hearing aid life span is about 5-7 years. So, I am getting new ones, and my current ones will be my backup pair. I’m excited to try something different! I’m glad I had ordered a mask because its required in order to get into the medical offices that my audiologist is in. There are people at the door doing temperature checks and everything. Everyone had a mask and everyone kept it on-even when it was hot and uncomfortable.
Otherwise, it was a pretty low key week again. More animal crossing was played. The office was rewatched. Rinse, repeat. I’m okay with this.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!
Congrats on finishing the school year! How bittersweet not being able to say goodbye, I can imagine that’s tough.
I hope you like your new hearing aids – do you have them already or do they have to come in (kinda like glasses)?
Have a great week and stay safe!
Yes, I have to wait. They are custom molds so its about a week or 2 before they will be ready for me to try!
Wow! It’s the end of an era for you. I can totally understand that being bittersweet. I hope you enjoy your time off, and are getting excited about your new position.
Yay School is of! You are on holiday Samantha!!!! Plenty of time now to do everything you like all respecting social distancing of course! I hope the new hearing aid will be even better than your current ones!
Our school has been out since March 26…..but the kids have I-Pads for doing electronic school.
So they are officially out of school as of May 22….lots of books I need to check
out. Have a great day!
Yay for summer break! We are happy to just stay home. I hope you like your new hearing aids and I’m glad to hear they followed safe protocols. I can’t believe all the people out there taking chances.
Have a lovely week and stay well!
Yay for the end of the school year, even though you didn’t get to say goodbye in person, which would be sad. It’ll be nice to not be stuck at a computer screen, I’m jealous. Wow, good to see folks are taking it seriously with masks and temperature checks at your audiologists offices. It’s good to see not everyone is protesting wearing a mask, it gets disheartening seeing all the stories of people acting out without for consideration for others. Hope the new hearing aids will be wonderful.
Yes… I know my grandson is upset that he won’t be saying goodbye to his teacher, as he won’t be returning to school this year. I hope you manage to have a relaxing break, Samantha – and read some good books!
Summer break already?! I always forget how early schools end in the US. The schools here in England don’t stop until the third week in July and they go back in September. It’s so silly when they’re effectively in school throughout the best of the summer weather but it all stems from the traditional harvest times I believe… Sigh.
Good luck with the new hearing aids! I hope they’re awesome.
I wear a mask all day at work. N95 for patient care and then just regular surgical one when I’m in my department or in the halls. All day. I get headaches a lot. No fun, but necessary.
Glad to hear about your hearing aids. I’m sure there’s some improvement in technology with them, right. Glad to see you enjoyed the new Kristen Ashley. I’d like to give it a shot. Have a wonderful Memorial Day!
I love that Billy Idol song! how fun!!
Congrats on the last day of school but yeah it must be tough not to be able to say goodbye in person. I know the kids around here feel the same way- it’s just not the same.
Good luck with the new hearing aids!!
I hope you enjoy your Summer break, even in these unusual circumstances.
Wishing you a great reading week
Hooray for the end of school! Although I guess things felt pretty off this time around. I hope the new hearing aids work out well. And I loved that Jimmy Fallon clip. The fact that Billy Idol is still kicking around tickles me.
It looks like you have had such a great week, and looking forward to your review of Broken. What great books you have added in. I am also excited to pick up Dark Song. Happy to hear you are getting new hearing aids.
It is a strange year and must have been hard teaching remotely. I have to wear at mask at work and after 9 hours I feel like I’m suffocating.