#SundayPost: Still Raining

Posted May 5, 2019 in Roundup Tags:

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  •   The Bride Test by Helen Hoang
  •   Hot to the Touch by Jaci Burton
  •   To Honor and Protect by Debra Webb and Reagan Black
  •   The Lying Hours by Sara Ney
  •   Chasing the Ballgirl by Trish Williford

This Week’s New Releases:

What I Found Online:

This Week’s Book Haul:

ARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

Non-Bookish News:

Typical of Ohio in the spring, it has been raining non stop. Our yard is so flooded! We really need to mow the grass because its getting to look a bit like a jungle, but we can’t because of all the standing water.

Other than the rain, it was a pretty low key week. I was back to work this week and we have reached the time of the year where things are crazy. We have 4 weeks left and a LOT of things happen in those 4 weeks. Any breaks in routine really affect my students (students with disabilities) and they are just amped up. Plus, anyone who has ever had a child with an IEP knows this is what we call IEP Season because everyone’s paperwork is due. But, I work with high school students, so usually if I just remind them of the schedule in advance, they can manage. My seniors are nervous about leaving high school, so I am coddling them more than usual.

My cousin got married yesterday. When I was in college, I was their (her and her younger sister) nanny in the summer. Now, both girls are married and have kids of their own. It was a great wedding (except the rain) and I am so happy for her and her new husband. All the other girls in the family (myself included) eloped, so we were surprised she had an actual wedding. On that side of the family, only my parents and one aunt and uncle came. We just don’t “do” gatherings!!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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9 responses to “#SundayPost: Still Raining

  1. Ugh, all the rain sounds terrible. It’s storm season here (GA) so we’ll go from sunny to rain to nasty humid within the span of hours lol
    I hope you have a great week, and good luck with all the paperwork coming up!

  2. I feel like it’s just going to rain forever now, like that’s how it will be. lol
    We can tell generation from now about that bright spot in the sky that produced warmth and happiness.
    I really hope this is just a spring thing and not what the rest of the year is going to be like! 🙂

    Have a great week, Samantha! Happy Reading! xx

  3. I read Hot to the Touch and The Bride Test and enjoyed them. It rained here today but it hasn’t been raining all week. It’s been nice, ony raining about 1 day a week. My daughter’s last final is tomorrow and then we are free for the summer. So we have to get to work on sorting / throwing an packing to move.

    Have a wonderful, not wet week!

    Here is my Sunday Post   

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Hot to the Touch by Jaci Burton
  4. Oh my school is almost over. With 4 weeks I understand the crazy. Hopefully it goes well and is not to stressful. Rain. I’m so glad our rain is gone and we now are having sunny warm weather. It’s been nice. Have a great week and happy reading!

  5. I so want to read Her Deadly Secrets! Aww the wedding sounds lovely. And something I’ve noticed of schools, is that in Puerto Rico, some private schools basically give you a lot of work during the start to mid of the semester. After spring break, it’s very smooth sailing and super chill. That way students don’t kill themselves last minute and teachers aren’t overloaded with everything being turned in and they can leave pretty calmly.

    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters recently posted: Weekly Rewind ~ 5.4.19 | Forehead Met Towel Holder
  6. I’m over in Iowa and it just has not stopped raining here either. Saturday and today are better. Yesterday it was cloudy and tried to spit a bit but didn’t full on rain. Rain is projected for the next week though so I’m enjoying the break! I hope you and your kiddos make it through the rest of the school year! End of year wrap ups can be difficult so I imagine for your class it makes it more so. I’ll be sending good vibes to you and your students!

    Have a great week!

    Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter recently posted: My Current Favorite TV Shows
  7. Isn’t it crazy when kids you babysat start getting married? I used to babysit my cousins two girls and now they are both married with small kids of their own. It’s a very weird reality check. Interesting that so many in your family eloped! I did the same. I just didn’t care about a wedding at all. I wanted to be married, but planning a wedding just held zero interest.

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