#Top10of2018: Books I’d Wish I’d Read

Posted December 25, 2018 in Top 10 Tags:

I’d really like to be able to ditch the day job and just be a stay at home dog mom. Then I might have time to read all the books I want to read! Sadly, I did not marry for money and will have to continue my day job and give up my reading time. But, here are 10 books I wish I’d had a chance to read this year (in no particular order)!

Literally ANY Devney Perry book

Seriously, everyone I know really enjoys her books and I have yet to read a single one. I even own a few…

The de Vincent series by Jennifer L Armentrout

I have these books. I have hear GREAT things about these books. I haven’t read these books. I started Moonlight Sins once, but had to put it down for other things.

Veronica’s Dragon by Ruby Dixon

I loved Lauren’s Barbarian and wanted to dive right into Veronica’s dragon. Alas, it hasn’t happened yet but darn it, I will get to it soon!

More books in the Carpathian Series by Christine Feehan

Feehan was my Author Love challenge author and I failed. Oh did I fail. I got several of her backlist books read, but I am not nearly as far along as I’d hoped.

The Rivalry by Nikki Sloane

This book came highly recommended and it also features my home town rivalry of OSU and that place up north.

The Sweet Home series by Tillie Cole

I might be the only person who hasn’t read these yet. I love college sports romances, so I’m not sure why I haven’t read these. I did start Sweet Home once a few years ago and didn’t click with it right away so I put it down. I need to pick it up again!

The Bewitched and Bewildered Series by Alanea Alder

I read books 1-4 but then got waylaid by all the other books. I loved books 1-4 though so I really do hope to get back into the series soon!

The Breeds series by Lora Leigh

Another series I own many books of, yet have never read. For shame!!

Nordic King by Karina Halle

Everywhere I looked on Instagram, I saw this book. It sounds adorable!

Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts

I have always loved Roberts’ romantic suspense books and this one centers around the survivors of a school shooting. I really hope to have time to read this one soon.

What books did you wish you had gotten to read in 2018?


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5 responses to “#Top10of2018: Books I’d Wish I’d Read

  1. Man oh man, do I hear you. If I could find a way to get paid for reading and reviewing books, I’d be all over it. I am SO GLAD I’m not the only blogger who hasn’t ever read Devney Perry. I’ve bought a few, too, but still haven’t made time to read them. Maybe this year… ? Loved The Rivalry and JLA’s De Vincent series and The Nordic King. You have some good reading ahead of you!

    Kim @ kimberlyfaye reads recently posted: Top 10 of 2018: Books I Wish I’d Made Time to Read in 2018
  2. I was just thinking today how I wish I could just stay home and do all the things. I’m off this week and today has been so awesome. House is picked up, a homemade dinner is in the slow cooker, blog post done, getting through emails… I could get used to this.

    I’ve been meaning to read something by Devney Perry all year, as well. I own several but it just hasn’t happened yet. I’ve enjoyed the de Vincent series and plan to start the final one as soon as I finish my current read.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted: Top 10 of 2018: New-To-Me Authors
  3. Its good that you didn’t marry for money, hope it was for love??!!! If so ….good for you!!! There were many books I didn’t get to this year either. Although I really think you would enjoy Moonlit Sins by Armentrout, as well as Nordic King. I read both really quickly, so so fun. And I have had a blast with Ruby Dixon’s books so far. I can’t wait to get to her dragons.

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