Aro by Marie James

Posted January 5, 2023 in review Tags: , ,

Aro by Marie JamesAro by Marie James
Pages: 210
Series: Cerberus MC #24
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: ARC
Also by this author: One Eighty, Catch Twenty-Two

It takes a lot to shake me, and even when I’m upset, most people wouldn’t even know it.
There was just something about the last job that kept me from keeping my cool.
I know how dangerous it is, and knew even better when I had to be carried away that day, becoming literally less of the man that entered that compound.
I was ordered to rest, recover, and recuperate, all under the watchful eyes of the team’s psychologist.
She was there to get in my head, to watch for signs that I may be a danger to myself.
She became my outlet, the calm to the storm trying to take over in my head.
There would be no problem with what we were doing because the possibility of returning to work with the Cerberus MC was never going to happen, and if there was an off-chance I would, walking away would be easy, right?

Aro is book 24 in the Cerberus MC series. I haven’t read all of them and I was able to enjoy this one, so you don’t have to read every single book in preparation for this one.

Aro and Slick’s story is emotional. Aro is dealing with some emotional trauma and Slick is the psychologist for the club. You get a bit of a forbidden romance vibe because they are both club members and they aren’t suppose to fraternize, but also because she is providing him with psychotherapy. So, there is the angst from that as well as the angst from Aro’s emotional struggle. I must say, I did get annoyed with Aro because he was thickheaded at times. I gave him grace initially because of his recent trauma, but after a while of him denying feelings, I was ready to crack some skulls! I think there was a bit of a miscommunication trope, but it’s more of a lack of communication trope. For a psychologist, she wasn’t always forthcoming with her feelings either.

If you like the angsty, will-they-won’t-they type romances, this is a good pick! It is a fairly quick read as well, so if you want something you can finish in a weekend, this fits the bill!


Overall: four-stars

Illegal Contact by Emily Silver, I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne, Say It Ain’t So by Lani Lynn Vale…then you will probably like Aro!




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2 responses to “Aro by Marie James

  1. It’s been a little while since I’ve read some good angst, I normally prefer things a little more easy going but I’ll keep this on my angst list for when the mood hits. It’s good to know you don’t necessarily need to stick to reading the whole series considering this is book 24, that would be a lot of books for me to catch up on.

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