Deadly Obsession by Elle James: Review

Posted May 11, 2016 in review Tags:

Deadly Obsession by Elle James: ReviewDeadly Obsession by Elle James
Pages: 288
Series: Devil's Shroud #5
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Amazon iBooks


New York Times

bestselling author Elle James's latest, one woman finds she's unsafe in her own home—and in her heart…

Real estate whiz Jillian Taylor thinks heroes and haunted houses are bogus. But when a series of strange events leaves her in danger, Stealth Ops Specialist Chance McCall is quick to the scene. Jillian can't resist the chemistry brewing between her and the sexy agent. But as she and Chance deconstruct her nightmares, someone becomes more desperate to keep those secrets from surfacing. 
Chance knows there's more going on at the derelict Victorian manor than just ghosts—just as he knows there's something about the blonde beauty he can't resist. If only he could help decipher the meaning of Jillian's tortured dreams…and keep her safe in his arms forever.

Deadly Obsession
Elle James

what i think

Deadly Obsession sounded like the perfect book for me. First, it was a Harlequin Intrigue and I almost always love those. Second, its romantic suspense, and again, a favorite genre for me. But, sadly, Deadly Obsession was a DNF. I didn’t really connect with the characters. I thought the hero was a misojynistic jerk. The heroine was a bit annoying as well. Then there was all this talk about ghosts. Um…what? Anyway, I tried to push through, but by about 20%, I realized I didn’t care. Like, at all. So, I moved on to another book!

I will say that this is probably a book I will try again. Like I said, it has everything I normally look for in a book and it got great reviews. Its entirely possible that it is a casualty of my reading slump!

  • POV: 3rd
  • Tears: no
  • Trope: ?
  • Triggers: ?
  • Series/Standalone: Standalone in a series
  • Cliffhanger: ?
  • HEA: ?


where to get it

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Other Books in the Series


Award-winning author Elle James grew up as an air force military brat. She received her work ethic from her rock-solid father, her creative streak from her artistic mother and inspiration from her writing partner and sister, Delilah Devlin. As a former member of the army reserves and a current member of the air force reserves, she’s traveled across the United States and to Germany, managed a full-time job, and raised three wonderful children. She and her husband have even tried their hands at ranching exotic birds (ostriches, emus and rheas) in the Texas hill country. Ask her, and she’ll tell you what it’s like to go toe-to-toe with an angry three-hundred-and-fifty-pound bird and live to tell about it!

Her adventures in the army and air force reserves, and the wild antics of her life on a small ranch in Texas give her fodder for mystery, suspense and humor in her writing. Elle writes gothic, paranormal mystery for the Harlequin Intrigue line and paranormal romantic comedy for Dorchester Publishing. A former manager of computer programming and project management professionals, Elle is happy she now has the opportunity to pursue her writing full time.

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