Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [7 Aug] Aim by L.P. Dover ★★★★
- [8 Aug] Blue Balls by R.C. Boldt ★★★
- [9 Aug] Bad Deeds by Lisa Renee Jones ★★★★
- [10 Aug] Blade by Alexandra Ivy, Laura Wright ★★★★
- [11 Aug] Blind Date by Bella Jewel ★★★★
- [12 Aug] Torn by Cynthia Eden ★★★★
What’s Coming Up:
- Royally Endowed by Emma Chase
- Shelter for Sophie by Susan Stoker (So GOOD!)
- Done by CE Johnson
- Ignite by Karen Erickson
- Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
- Cockloft by KC Lynn
- Black and Green by CL Stone
I am planning on getting some of my #COYER reviews in this week! I have been failing miserably at COYER…. But my audiobooks have helped. I am currently listening to Paper Princess by Erin Watt.
This Week’s New Releases:
What I Found Online:
- Buzzfeed lists 27 romance books that will get you all hot and bothered! I have read 12 of the 27!
- So, a few weeks ago, Nereyda at Nick and Nereyda’s infinite book list posted about online workout videos. This week I have been checking out PopSugar Fitness page and love it! Thanks Nereyda!
- Since there are a few other teachers out there (like me), check out 6 Tips to Use Goodreads in Your Classroom!
This Week’s Book Haul:
I also got the upcoming Kirsty Mosely duet, Nothing Left to Lose, and The Cinderella Fantasy by Sara Jane Stone!
Non-Bookish News:
The weather here this past week was amazing! Its been low 80’s with a nice breeze and low humidity (that NEVER happens!). So, I have been enjoying it as much as possible. I’m sure August will return to have its vengeance soon and we will be back to 95 degrees with 90% humidity. Oh Ohio…
This was the last week of the test prep class. It was fine but I really don’t think I want to do it next year. The kids were good and honestly its not difficult to prepare for, but I think I have reached the point in my life where I don’t want to pick up every odd job that comes my way. I already handle the ACT testing a few times a year. Giving up my last 2 weeks of summer is just kind of a bummer. But, this week was fine! The kids were good but they are so quiet! I taught 8th grade before and they were never that quiet! But, these kids don’t know each other, they don’t know me, we are only together for a week, and I think they are intimidated by high school. I kind of felt bad for them-they seem so shell shocked. I’m sure they don’t want to spend their last week of summer doing test prep any more than I do.
Overall, it was a pretty low key week! I love that! I do get a few days this week before I have to officially report back to school, so I will have Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to soak up the last bit of summer relaxation.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

The weather here has also been amazing. I have a feeling it’s going to be like 100 in September.
At least the kids were quiet and not crazy but I can totally get wanting to relax for a little longer.
School starts early for you, my kids go back on September 7th. I am kind of excited for them to go back and get into the normal routine but I will miss them home. (even if I am at work)
I hope you have a great week, Samantha! Happy Reading! ox
Our schools start tomorrow. But at least our weather has been pretty good here. The leaves are already changing though, means early winter. Have a great week.
I noticed a tree in our front yard is already losing its leaves! That is super early here so I am worried the tree is sick or something.
I am so ready to devour Rituals. I hope it is good. Our weather is still fall-like and just barely hitting 80. Enjoy and I hope this is a good week all around!
My vacation is over, boohoo! I know what you mean about giving those 2 weeks up. But hey, I only ever had a week this year 😀
Have a good reading week 🙂
I always say I don’t know how people who have a normal job do it. I couldn’t imagine not getting summers and holidays off!!!
Oh your weather sounds lovely! I can imagine losing the last two weeks of summer can be a bummer. Hope you have a great week!
It’s been nice here too, mild, and I’m LOVING it. When the humidity comes back it’s going to suck so much. Ugh. Looking forward to fall…
Glad you had a good week in spite in test prep. That would be a bummer to spend the last part of the summer doing early school stuff. Hopefully you have some good reads for this week. 🙂
Love the cover of Rituals.
oh it looks like you had such a great week here!! And so many great books. I grabbed some of the same ARC’s as well. I can’t wait for Jennifer Ryan’s book, Ride Wild and Beautiful Lawman.
I am SO grabbing up Emma Chase’s Book this week and I can’t wait. Glad to hear that this past week was low key for you.
Low key weeks can be good! The weather cooled down a bit here in my neck of the woods because of the rain. But I’m sure it will shoot back up. So I envy your weather.
Hope you have a great week!
It’s been humid in the northeast, but it usually is in August, so no surprise there. I keep meaning to start the Royally series (I totally will!) and I want to read Illegal Contact too. I have seen a bunch of good reviews, and from the cover, I can tell, it’s my kind of book. I hope you enjoy your final days of summer.
Royally Screwed (book 1) is my absolute favorite!!! So good!
I’ll have to check out that post about Goodreads in the classroom, thanks for sharing! I’m glad test-prep went well and the kids were good (lol at being shell shocked, high-school is a scary prospect, huh?) but boy can I understand not wanting to continue doing that in the future! Every summer I help out with our local Upward Bound’s Academic Bowl and I really want to stop, enjoy my summer. But what I do for them takes some time to get good at, so I hate to leave them hanging. Anyway, enjoy your few days off before things get going again!
Yeah, I have this test prep class down to a science, but I am going to work with the girl who takes it over next year to ensure a smooth transition. Otherwise, I would feel bad about not doing it!
I have family visiting this weekend and next, so it’s a bit busy at home. It’s the last visit before school starts for all the little men, my boy and his cousins. Have a great week and happy reading!
Oh 6 books in a week is BEYOND awesome. You need to teach me how to read fast. I only managed two books last week and even it has been a struggle. Lots of things going on in my real life and it’s been so stressful. Enjoy your new books and have a wonderful week. ?❤️
I have a LOT of time on my hands. My husband works until 7 pm each night, so thats a lot of time I’m home alone. WE don’t have cable or anything either, so yeah, lots of reading time! I usually play fetch with the dogs and read!
Hey, we have some of the same books this week! I have to chuckle at the cover of Royally Endowed…. It’s like, “TA DA!!” Here’s his penis with lots of celebration!! Cute 😉
I’m thinking of you while I’m watching the tennis tournament down there this weekend!!! I hope the wonderful holds up for you, too. OH!! Did you see JR Ward’s event coming up next Sept 2018 down in Louisville?? Tickets go on sale next month!! Not too far from you 😉