Sunday Post: Spring in February!

Posted February 26, 2017 in Roundup Tags:

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Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  • Don’t Speak by Katy Regnery
  • Sweet Rivalry by K. Bromberg
  • How to Tame a Beast in 7 days by Kerrelyn Sparks
  • Crave Me by Cecy Robson
  • Jordan Reclaimed by Scarlett Cole
  • Cole by Tijan

This Week’s New Releases:

Open Giveaways:

What I Found Online:

I went on a quiz binge this week. You know, those quizzes posted on FB all the time? yeah, I did so many…

This Week’s Book Haul:

Thanks to the amazing authors and publishers for these beauties! Plus Stolen Princess by Alexa Riley, Ignite by Drew Elyse, and Girl in the Mirror by Elizabeth Reyes!

Non-Bookish News:

It was in the upper 60s and even 70’s this week in southern Ohio. Friday we set a record high of 78 degrees! Saturday it snowed a little. My allergies were crazy this week with all the warm weather. One of the trees in our back yard is even starting to bud already! This is the first winter I can remember where we didn’t get a single snow day off school.

Work was so busy! I felt like every day was just non stop. I didn’t get nearly as much done as I needed to either. This week is my last week of no IEP meetings and then I have at least 1 every week from now until the end of school! Its going to be insane! Plus, we start state testing on March 21st and it continues throughout April. Our spring break isn’t until the last week of April either.

Money is super tight right now for me and my husband. We are planning a trip to Europe in June (well, its already planned and everything. We are going as part of a tour group). Its been something we have always wanted to do. The payments are taking every dime we have though. By the end of this week, we had 7 cents in our account. Then, on Friday when we both got paid, there is a new round of bills to pay and we are back down to just a few dollars for the week. So, while we can pay for the trip, we have no money saved up to USE on the trip. It is starting to freak me out a bit. Plus, this week we got a letter from the IRS stating that in a review of our 2014 taxes they found an issue and we now OWE $1600. All this money stuff led to a panic attack on Tuesday. I have been relying on my anxiety meds more than usual lately. With me being a teacher and my husband being a mechanic, money is always tight. Sometimes, it just gets uncomfortably tight.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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26 responses to “Sunday Post: Spring in February!

  1. Oh, man!! I’ve got the review of taxes letter before, too!! That will knock anyone for a loop so hang in there and yeah, that’s what your meds are for!! And man, our allergies are kicking our butts up here, too!!! Crazy-butt weather!!!

    Hang in there, girl!!!

  2. The weather has been so wonky! My allergies are kicking my face. I am sure the spring is going to be worse.
    Sorry to hear about all your money issues, I totally feel your pain. I have been trying to “fix” us for a few years now and it just seems to be one thing after another. I had a thought this week that I hope will actually work. I have my fingers crossed. Have faith, it’s really all you can do, you will get through this bump! 🙂 (((HUGS))))

    Have a great week, Samantha! Happy Reading!

    • I don’t think I have ever NOT been trying to fix our money situation. Its like a never ending struggle. But, I know we are far luckier than most, so I try to remind myself of that.

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your stressful financial situation, Sam. I hope you guys get things figured out and I hope your meds will help more with your panic attacks. <3
    Hopefully, the awesome books you got will help distract you a little too.
    Take care!

  4. Hang in there, it is stressful and for sure not easy to take, but you will find a way to deal with everything besides your meds. Where are you planning on going during your Europe tour? Happy reading and take care.

    Best wishes
    Vi @ Gone With The Books

  5. Oh man when it rains it pours. Hang in there, somehow it will all eventually work out. I am the same and get super stressed even as I tell myself it will all work out. Take care of yourself!

  6. Oh I’m so sorry to hear that, Sam. I’m sure you’ll find a way and get things figured out. Hopefully, this situation will not prevent you from enjoying your holiday.
    Btw, awesome books you have for this book. Damage Control?

    Take care. 🙂

  7. Yikes! I’m sorry about all that. Money is always a stressful aspect. I hope it all works out for you. It sounds like a really fun trip that you have planned, at least you’ll get to see new places. 🙂

    Hope you have a great week! ~ALeen

  8. Quizzes are fun. I did a few this week too after seeing a book tag post with a whole bunch listed. That took some time I can’t get back lol but it fun. 🙂

    78 degrees? Wow! We almost hit 70 and I was shocked by that! And money troubles suck. Yeah a letter from the IRS is often not good. 🙁 Sorry to hear about that. It’s hard when money is tight. Have a super week.

  9. The dreaded tax letter. Been there and it’s no fun. The pollen is wreaking havoc with me too. I love the spring weather but worry about having such a mild short winter. Never had it affect me so hard before. Now I get it when I hear people complain.

  10. I love internet quizzes, haha. So of course now I have to go do all the ones you shared. Oh good, I am in fact smarter than an elementary school kid lol.

    Sounds like you’ve had some crazy but nice weather! Sorry about the money issues and the panic attack though :-/

  11. Rowena

    Oh man, money stresses is my middle name. Being a single Mom isn’t easy and there is never enough money to do what we want though we’re getting by with what we need. I hope things clear up for you and that you guys can find the money for your vacation.

    Hugs Samantha!

    You have some great books lined up to read so hopefully that will help with the stress. I’m thinking of you, Samantha!

  12. I’m sooo happy for the good weather! YAY! but yes, allergies tend to act up so I hope you feel better A trip to Europe!!! that’s awesome Sam! I’m like SUPER jealous. I know what you mean about a low account balance. 🙁

    Some ways to save a few dollars for the trip are to plan your menu around the weekly sales at the supermarket and put some services on hold like Netflix, cable, gym. etc Even delay some bills would help. Not with the anxiety I know. I hate to have pending bills but at this point your are already anxious. Hope you find a way to make it happen.

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