#SundayPost: February 28th

Posted February 28, 2021 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   Killer Triggers by Joe Kenda
  •   Sweetheart by Sarah Mayberry

Physical books thanks to the authors and publishers!

What a week! First, it was the first 5 day week at school since Christmas break. Snow days, holidays, etc have made it so that no week saw us attending 5 straight days. So, this week was exhausting! Thursday I went to bed at 5;30 pm. I was exhausted. We also had a student in our school district drown on Tuesday evening. It was so sad.

I had to do a video interview for my application at Eastern Washington University. I applied to their online Ed. S program in school psychology. I won’t know if I am accepted until April 15th.

I got my first COVID vaccine shot! Our school district got the opportunity to have the first dose on Friday. My 2nd shot is April 2nd. No side effects from the first shot aside from a tender spot at the injection site.

Otherwise it was a low key week! The snow has all melted, which is great, but now everything is muddy. So muddy. And Yoda loves puddles. He hits every one of them in the back yard as he runs. He comes in with mud everywhere.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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7 responses to “#SundayPost: February 28th

  1. Yeah for getting your first dose. That’s wonderful! My dad only had a sore arm for both doses. Sorry to hear about the loss in your district. That is very sad. Those first full weeks back are tough. Glad you made it through and good luck with the application.

  2. So glad you have got your COVID jab – my niece, who is also a teacher, has had hers, which I’m really pleased about. I hope the coming week is less stressful and exhausting, Samantha:)). Fingers crossed for your application!

  3. It must have been so sad to have one of your students drown!!! Fingers crossed for university and …that’s such a relief that you got your first shot Samantha! I have a long time to wait!

  4. Oh no- I’m so sorry to hear that! Wishing you good luck on your application though! And yes that is a long time to go without full weeks. Yikes!

    I’m going to try Raybourn one of these here days…

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