#SundayPost: January 16th

Posted January 16, 2022 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   Electric Idol by Katee Robert
  •   Code Name Virgo by Janie Crouch
  •   The Best Men by Sarina Bowen and Lauren Blakely

We are suppose to get a little snow today and Mother Nature better deliver…

@fureverloveclub When your Pom becomes a snow pom pom❄️🤣 #pomeranian #puppy #dog #rawfeddog ♬ Originalton – POV’s

eARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

Paperback copies thanks to the publishers:

It was a crazy week! We started off the week understaffed. Teachers were out sick and we had no coverage. So, that was typical. By Tuesday, I wasn’t feeling great-backache, headache, congestion. The nurse gave me a COVID test which was negative, but I still didn’t feel good. So, Wednesday I stayed home, and then because there were so many teachers out, our school shut down Thursday and Friday. There were a LOT of students out as well.

Despite all the staffing shortages, one of the administrators did “walk through” observations on Wednesday. So, instead of helping out by covering classes, this admin popped in an out of classrooms evaluating the teachers. I wasn’t there, but I was FURIOUS. We don’t need someone telling us how to improve right now. We are operating on triage right now. We need everyone to pitch in, but apparently that doesn’t mean our admin. I was just so angry. So, it is probably good we closed Thurs/Friday because I was gonna go OFF.

I bought myself a giant beanbag chair. It’s the Lovesac brand. So far, it is GREAT! Also, it is HUGE. Thankfully we had room in our living room.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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10 responses to “#SundayPost: January 16th

  1. May you enjoy your bean bag and it’s all sorts of comfy wonderfulness. That is pretty rude of your admin to do that. I think teachers have been dealing with an extreme number of challenges since 2020. You would think the administration would be there to support you. I hope you got enough R&R to help you feel better and recharge you for the upcoming week.

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Sundays with Sam – The Sunday Post
  2. I really want to get a beanbag chair and make a little reading nest out of it haha I will look into that brand though. I am sorry it was such a rough week though. I think with covid we have forgotten there are many other sickness that come with the season, I forget it all the time. Which is why I am back to drinking lots of orange juice and exercising more. I hate being sick. Hope things get better for you soon.

  3. Sarah Peña

    Lovesacs are great! Enjoy! The Best Men by Sarina Bowen and Lauren Blakely is like sunshine! I loved it so much! I hope you have a great week!

  4. How entirely unhelpful and ridiculous that an admin would do a walkthrough when it’s time for an all hands on deck approach. Get off your high horse why don’t you?!! I’d be furious too. I’m not surprised your school was closed for staffing issues. Our hospital is overwhelmed by this surge! I was about to lose my mind this week! It was awful. I hope tomorrow won’t be as horrible but I’m stressed thinking about it now.

    Rachel recently posted: Sunday Post #151
  5. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well, I hope you’re feeling better now. It’s still so early in the year and so much is being expected of teachers, everyone is going to burn out before February at the rate it’s going. Similar things have happened here with school’s shutting for certain years. I think everyone’s hoping it’s just an influx of cases from the holidays and it’ll quiet down again by the end of the month. I hope this week is better for you.

    Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity recently posted: Sunday Summary 16/01/2022
  6. Wow, that’s crazy that the school had to close for a couple days with so many teachers out. But to do observations during that time? They need to get their priorities straight! Enjoy the beanbag chair! Sounds cozy.

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