Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
- [22 Jan] #SundayPost: January 22nd
- [24 Jan] Recovery Road by Christine Feehan ★★★★★
- [27 Jan] #FreebieFriday: January 27

- Four Psychos by Kristy Cunning
- Three Trials by Kristy Cunning
- Savage Vandal by Heather Long
- Vicious Rebel by Heather Long
I’m very excited for the Marked Men movie! Rule was one of the earliest books I remember reading when I really got back into romance!
Well this turned out to be an interesting week. Monday I had a meeting with my special education supervisor, and the elementary school psych and special edu supervisor. Basically, it was to “ensure we are all on the same page” because my supervisor didn’t like the way I did some things. She could have told me and I would have certainly done them different, but she gives me no guidance at all, so I did what I thought was best. So we have this super awkward meeting where it is CLEAR its about me and her. Then they asked if the other school psych and I were staying next year. I told them I wasn’t. They seemed somehow surprised. That was baffling to me. But, it felt good to say it.
Then on Tuesday I got a call from an Educational Service Center (ESC) in my county about setting up an interview. I was super excited! So, I had my interview with them on Friday and they offered me the job about 2 hours later. It is closer to my home (I currently drive 45 min one way), the pay is about the same, but I get a $3000 sign on bonus. Also, instead of the 205 day calendar I do now, I would only have 185 days (this means I don’t have to come in on days when kids and teachers aren’t there like I do now). Plus, I would be part of a team of school psychologists instead of being alone in a district. So, I took it! I’m excited and it will make getting through the last months of this school year bearable.
This weekend my husband is away with his ham radio group so it is just me and the dogs. Saturday I had to take the puppy to the groomers. Honestly, we have never needed a groomer for our dogs, but he is just so fluffy! His undercoat is insane. He needed the fur on his feet trimmed because it was so long (again, never had a dog with that problem before). But, it was just me without my husband to help, and the “puppy” is every bit of 65 lbs and all energy. Also, I don’t typically like going to places without my husband because of my hearing. I’m always worried about missing information and that gives me anxiety for real.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

That’s so exciting! I’m so happy for you to find a job closer to home with less days (20 days, that’s like an extra 3 weeks vacation!) You’ve really worked hard and made the changes you needed.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Looks like you have had a good week there. I am so happy that you loved Recovery Road too! Its always fun to see them adapt movies, I just hope they stick to the book. Very excited for that Catherine Cowles!
The announcement I saw for the Marked Men movie called it YA. I didn’t remember those books being YA. Is it me? OMG! Such exciting news about the job, and I am so happy you had a quick turn around on that. I hate when people feel like they have to go to someone higher on the chain instead of talking to you directly. It always seems intentional to make more trouble for you. Well, you got the last laugh trading up for a better job. Congratulations!
I’m so excited about the Marked Men movie, but like above I am not happy that they are marketing it as YA. In the author’s group on Facebook, she kind of explained it, but I still don’t like it. I’m worried they’ll ruin it like they did After by taking all the sexy stuff out of it. Ugh about your job. But yay for a possible new position! I actually have an interview this week that I’m hoping will work out and that they can at least pay me comparable to what I’m making now, not a big pay cut. Because it is the school district I live in and so much closer than where I work now. I can’t imagine how nice it felt to be able to say you weren’t coming back. I would love to be able to do that too! Here’s to a good week!
Congratulations on the new job! And I hope you enjoy reading this week, you certainly have some interesting books lined up. 🙂
My Sunday Post.
Ugh, what an awkward meeting. It’s like, how can they even be surprised that you don’t plan to stay? Big, big congrats on the new job!! It sounds so much better all around. A light at the end of the tunnel now! I’m sure excited for the Rule movie. I have so much love for that whole series.
Interesting that they’re classing Rule as YA but it will be cool to see it as a movie!!
Congratulations on the job! That’s great news. I
Wow! Congrats on the new job!!! How awesome to receive the offer the same day!
Congratulations! That’s awesome- good for you. Must be an amazing feeling.
Congrats on the new better job!!
I haven’t heard of the Marked Men series.. off to check it out.
Congrid on getting a new job.
Have a great week.
Amazing news on the job! It was just last week you said you’d decided to start looking for next year and now you’re already set with a job ready for then. Sounds like an awkward meeting Monday, sometimes people don’t always see when staff are unhappy and that’s because they are too focused on themselves. Glad the new job seems to tick the boxes with what you want.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so happy for you Samantha! And yes the groomer is an adventure sns’t it?