#SundayPost: January 31

Posted January 31, 2021 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   365 Day by Blanka Lipinska
  •   Much Ado About You by Samantha Young
  •   A Lady’s Formula for Love by Elizabeth Everett
  •   Serial Killers at the Movies by Christopher Berry-Dee

Check out these blogger’s New to them authors of 2020:

Physical Copies thanks to the Authors and Publishers:

Purchased or borrowed from Kindle Unlimited:

We got a snow day last week! I was thrilled. I’m gonna be in big trouble if we ever have an actual 5 day week. And the weather here today is nutty-snow, then rain, then snow. Crazy!

I’m still binging the In Death audiobooks and loving them. I can’t believe I waited so long to read these. I’m keeping my eye on BookBub for deals on any book in the series so I can get it, and then get the audio as well; This week I got New York to Dallas for $2.99 and then added the audio for an extra $7.49! Overall, way cheaper than using a credit or buying the audiobook!

I spent some time with my psychiatrist this week working on my medication. My OCD has responded well to the medication we added, but we decreased my anxiety meds when we added it, and now my anxiety is just raging again. For me, its mostly at night. Either I am too anxious to fall asleep (despite a boatload of meds that all make me tired) or I have super stressful dreams. So, we upped the dose on my anxiety meds again.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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9 responses to “#SundayPost: January 31

  1. Yay for having a snow day….we got snow too just not enough to do a snow day LOL But maybe one day. Hope you enjoyed that time off and got some relaxing and rejuvenating in.

    I am very curious to see your thoughts on 365 Days—I watched the movie and it left me intrigued.

    I can’t wait for Still Standing by Kristen Ashley, it looks SO SO good!

  2. I hope they find a combination of something that helps you. Not being able to sleep cannot possibility help your situation. Yeah for snow days! Short weeks are the best. I have never read anything by Robb, but that’s awesome that you found a new series to love.

  3. It seems quite a delicate task to find the right balance with your medication samantha! I hope everything will stabilize soon. Have a great week.

  4. Yay for the break. There is something invigorating about snow days. I can’t believe you hadn’t read the In Death books either. I prefer the ebook to audio and I’ve bought a few but there’s so many and I think the library will always have them. I hope the changes help you feel better. You got lots of great new reads!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Read-along & Giveaway: Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh
  5. Glad you enjoy snow – I absolutely hate it, given I live in a part of the country that is only really designed to cope with drizzle. Himself is a huge fan of the In Death series, too. I haven’t ever got into them but as we have a goodly number of them on my TBR pile, I ought to tuck in. I hope the new rebalancing of the anxiety meds work, Samantha. There’s nothing worse than going to bed and not being able to sleep…

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