Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [9 Jul] Power of Five by Alex Lidell ★★★★
- [10 Jul] Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison ★★★★
- [10 Jul] I Think I Love You by Lauren Layne ★★★★
- [12 Jul] Blackburn by Brynne Asher ★★★
- [14 Jul] Lev by Belle Aurora ★★★★½
What’s Coming Up:
- Kevlar to My Vest by Lani Lynn Vale
- Armed Response by Janie Crouch
- Getting Schooled by Emma Chase
This Week’s New Releases:
Open Giveaways:
- All of #ForeverSummerReading July books from Forever Romance!
What I Found Online:
I’m loving the Lip Sync battles the various police forces are doing!
This Week’s Book Haul:
Non-Bookish News:
I’m half way through my summer vacation which is sad! Today I am actually at work though. I have to administer an ACT test to a student. At least thats easy money!
This week continues the various doctors appointments. My endocrinologist wants some extra testing done so I have that first thing Monday. Then the dentist on Tuesday. Then another doctor on Friday. Ugh. I’m over it! Thankfully though this is my last week of appointments. Woohoo! I will be glad to get the dentist over with. I really hate the dentist. I usually try to make my appointments early in the morning because otherwise I work myself up into a panic attack. They couldn’t get me in until 1:45 Tuesday…so its gonna be a struggle.
I have been binging true crime documentaries on tv. I watched a 6 part special about Laci Peterson’s murder, a 4 part special about Caylee Anthony’s murder, and several episodes of Homicide Hunter. I love true crime stuff. The Laci Peterson and Caylee Anthony documentaries both took a different take and exposed some of the lack of evidence that was present. Both were fascinating and really eye opening because you can see how the media can totally influence perceptions.
I have actually been doing pretty well with COYER this time! I didn’t take on a ton of ARCs this summer and I have been clearing out some books I have been meaning to get to for a while! Woohoo!!! You can check out my challenge progress in the sidebar as well.
Invalid challenge name.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

I just saw someone else say summer is halfway over. I have to admit, I didn’t notice, but it does bring me closer to my vacation, so yay! You are doing awesome with COYER. 70%. Wow! The dentist is actually one of the only doctors I am ok with. I have no issues with my teeth. I have yet to even have a cavity, so it’s just a check up and cleaning, and his disappointed face that he won’t be financing his summer home with my teeth.
Summer is just getting started here. August and September really get hot. here’s to time slowing down so you can enjoy the second half of your break now that you’ve got all the responsible stuff taken care of. LOL
How is it halfway through summer already? Blows my mind… and good luck with the dentist appt. I hate going too and can totally relate. I don’t know what it is but something about dentist visits…
That’s really interesting about the true crime. I do think the media can color peoples’ perceptions so much, even to the point of changing people’s minds or influencing them to thin a certain way… it’s kinda scary.
Oh My summer half over… I can’t believe how fast the time goes now that I’m an Adult. As a kid it felt like it was forever for the time to pass, but now it just fly by. Hope your doctor appointment go well. Have a great week and Happy Reading.
You are doing well with COYER – that’s great. I have managed to read more things too, just by using a list and sticking to it. I love that I am reading things I’ve wanted to read for awhile or those I bought but haven’t worked into the schedule. Plus I actually did some KU and library books at the end of June. COYER is a good thing for me even if I don’t read many because the people are fun. Love your rating scale. I have to say I tried to read Murder Girl but is was a DNF for me. I’m glad someone could enjoy it. I wanted to like it. I really want to read Stray Magic by Kelly Meding. I have it on request from the library. Anne – Books of My Heart
Bummer that your vacation is half over! But at least your appts will be done soon! I don’t like those crime documentary things, they freak me out lol.
I LOVE Homicide Hunters… I wish there were more for me to watch! And I hope all your appointments go well! It sounds like you are at the end of some illness. And SOOOOOO many books are coming out! Blessedly they are all easy reads ❤️
Nooo, I’m not ready for summer to be over. I haven’t accomplished anything yet! I love true crime stuff, too. I actually have the ID channel on right now as I’m typing this. Have a good week!
Yikes, that’s good that you get all of your appointments out of the way but I’m with you…I would work myself into a panic if my dentist appointment was in the afternoon.
I hope you have a great week and happy reading!
Gosh both of those crimes were super sad. I love watching Reelz and they do a lot of documentaries on true crimes.
Hope the rest of your summer vacation is great!
Our summer is just about to begin! The little dude breaks up from school Wednesday next week and I’m looking forward to some summer fun together.
I have to say though that I don’t miss summer when it passes for I’m more of an autumn person that summer. ?
Good luck with your appointments! Especially the dentist. The dentist is never fun even when it’s a simple check up!