The Jackal by JR Ward

Posted September 2, 2020 in review Tags: , ,

The Jackal by JR WardThe Jackal by J.R. Ward
Pages: 365

Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood: The Prison Camp #1
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Setting: Caldwell, NY
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: Lover Eternal, Lover Awakened, Lover Revealed, Lover Unbound, Consumed, Blood Truth, Where Winter Finds You, The Sinner, A Warm Heart in Winter, Lover Unveiled, Claimed, The Wolf, Lover Arisen
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The #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Sinner brings another hot adventure of true love and ultimate sacrifice in the Black Dagger Brotherhood world.

The location of the glymera’s notorious prison camp was lost after the raids. When a freak accident provides Nyx clues to where her sister may still be doing time, she becomes determined to find the secret subterranean labyrinth. Embarking on a journey under the earth, she learns a terrible truth—and meets a male who changes everything forever.

The Jackal has been in the camp for so long he cannot recall anything of the freedom he once knew. Trapped by circumstances out of his control, he helps Nyx because he cannot help himself. After she discovers what happened to her sister, getting her back out becomes a deadly mission for them both.

United by a passion they can’t deny, they work together on an escape plan for Nyx—even though their destiny is to be forever apart. And as the Black Dagger Brotherhood is called upon for help, and Rhage discovers he has a half-brother who’s falsely imprisoned, a devious warden plots the deaths of them all…even the Brothers.

The Jackal is the first in a new spin off set in the BDB world but featuring new characters! The prisoners have been imprisoned for YEARS (sometimes hundreds of years) with no hope of ever being free. No one knows the secret, underground location of the prison, but Nyx is determined to save her sister.

Jackal (Jack) isn’t what you expect from a prisoner. There are a lot of people in the prison who have lost their souls. Jack isn’t one of them, and it makes the reader want to learn more about him. Nyx is a dynamic character as well. She feels very strongly that her sister is innocent of the crime she was convicted of, but her grandfather says he knows the truth.

The prison camp is a metaphor for the greed of the ruling class. The people imprisoned ofter were sent there because of who they are, not what they did. The guards and “The Command” are vicious and ruthless. Jack takes on a mission of exposing The Command and taking them down for their cruelty.

Fans of Rhage will LOVE his cameos in the story. Ward takes us WAY back in Rhage’s story-when Darius was still alive, and long before he met Mary.

Finally, The Jackal gives us a new species in the BDB world: Wolvin! I’m intrigued with this new species and curious as what Ward will do with their “history” and place in the world. She has created the BDB world to be unique amongst other vampire stories, and I’m excited for her take on shifters! Also, while The Jackal is long at 365 pages, its relatively short compared to many of Ward’s books!



The Carpathians series by Christine Feehan, The Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh, The Lords of the Underworld series by Gena Showalter…then you will probably like The Jackal!


The Jackal

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About J.R. Ward

J.R. Ward is the number one New York Times bestselling author of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series of vampire books. She is a winner of the prestigious Romance Writers of America RITA award for Best Paranormal Romance and is a multiple RITA nominee. A graduate of Smith College, she was a double major in History and Art History with a medieval concentration in both and she still longs at times for a return to those days sitting in dark lecture halls, looking at slides of old triptychs and reliquaries. Prior to becoming a full time writer, she was a corporate attorney, serving for many years as the Chief of Staff of one of Harvard Medical Schools premier teaching sites. Her idea of absolute heaven is a day filled with nothing but her computer, her dog and her coffee pot and the Brothers, of course.

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