Sunday Post: Week 4

Posted January 31, 2016 in Roundup Tags: ,

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:


Yesterday, I did a #BookBloggersUnite post about Stock Images!

What’s Coming Up:

Next week, I have a few things planned!

A Love Struck Freshman
Hard Ride by Tara Oaks
I Wish You Were Mine by Lauren Layne
Every Time He Leaves by Anna Karrington
Right to my Wrong by Lani Lynn Vale
Fighting Solitude Aly Martinez
Mercury Striking by Rebecca Zanetti
Supercharged Love by Jenny Seigel


This Week’s New Releases:

Check out all the new releases for February!

Open Giveaways:

Sign up for my newsletter (sent every Sunday) and you can enter each week to win an Amazon Gift Card!

What I Found Online:

Serial Podcast: I am obsessed with this!  (and then there is the related podcast, Undisclosed)


This Week’s Book Haul:

From the Publisher/Author:


Non-Bookish News:

I had my thyroid appointment on Thursday and everything looks good. My weight has plateaued which sucks. The doctor suggested making sure I am including weight training and flexibility training to my routine. (I have a thyroid autoimmune disorder that, among MANY other things, makes losing weight difficult!).

I also had an appointment with my ENT (I’m 90% deaf in my left ear due to a ruptured ear drum). He had to stick a sharp object in my ear and poke around some. I was brave and didn’t cry like a baby but it was touch and go there!

As I mentioned above, I am super obsessed with podcasts lately; specifically true crime stuff. I love true crime documentaries so podcasts are perfect for when I’m in the car or at the park with the dog!

Its going to be a LONG week at work! I have 3 IEP meetings and Thursday night is parent/teacher conference night so I will be at work from 7 am-8 pm. Is it summer yet?

The grocery store by where we live now lets you order your groceries online, then pick them up at a drive through. BEST IDEA EVER! Seriously, thank you Kroger for ClickList. You have given me another chance to avoid going places!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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5 responses to “Sunday Post: Week 4

  1. You’ve had a very busy month it’s really amazing! And you’ve read some fantastic books, too.
    I hope you’ll get your workouts sorted out so that you won’t plateau anymore. It’s so frustrating when you do all the right things, but don’t get the wanted results from that.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

  2. Oh, I like the idea of ordering online and then just driving through and picking them up. Our larger supermarkets have a home delivery service and a collection service but you pay quite a bit for it and it isn’t drive-through, which kinda defeats the purpose of ordering online (having to get out of the car!!!).

    Sounds like you’re doing everything you should be on the weight / exercise front so perhaps the plateau will pass soon.


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