#SundayPost: August 20th

Posted August 20, 2023 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   Shadow Dance by Christine Feehan

Yeah, I got nothin’

Physical copies thanks to the publishers:

Well, I started the new job this week. It was difficult. Starting at a new place is hard because you don’t know the building, the people, the “rules”. Of course, within 5 minutes of arriving, I tripped and fell. I feel this is very on brand for me. Thankfully, I was early so there weren’t a WHOLE lot of people to witness it. I still don’t have a keycard to access the building, my office at the middle school had literally nothing in it (no desk, no chair), my office at the high school is in the conference room, so meetings happen all day long, and I just feel very lonely. But, it was just the first week, so I am trying to hang in there.

We had no dog escapes this week!! This is a huge win. Also, they are adjusting pretty well to me being gone all day (I mean, Calleigh and Ranger are used to it, but it was new for Sammy and Dean). We initially had a few potty accidents, but by Friday there were none.

My stomach pain has returned. I really think it is stress. When it first happened, it was the day after my portfolio and thesis defense. This week (and last week) have been very stressful. I did a televisit with my doc and the instructions were to “reduce stress” and “exercise”. I know I need to exercise. My weight is back up to the highest its been. But, if I could reduce stress, I would have already done it. Right now, between the poison ivy, the stomach pain, and the fall on Monday, exercise has not really been an option. I know I need to start small-I’m in my mid 40’s now. Oh, and my blood pressure was high-its never been high! Clearly I need to get my body right.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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7 responses to “#SundayPost: August 20th

  1. So sorry to hear of your fall – it’s always horrible when that happens. Apart from the indignity, you’re always so shaken up after it happens. I hope the coming week gives you a better chance to relax and you get to know your way around a bit more, which will be less stressful:)). Take care!

  2. Reducing stress IS hard because we can’t just magically turn it off! And starting a new job is super stressful. I hope this week goes well for you and everything gets smoother. Yay for no dog escapes! ::)

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #518

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