#SundayPost: It finally stopped raining!

Posted March 11, 2018 in Roundup Tags:

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  • Claiming Felicity by Susan Stoker
  • Ride Dirty by Laura Kaye
  • Smoke and Mirrors by Julie Rowe

This Week’s New Releases:

Open Giveaways:

What I Found Online:

I think these Harlequin “Date with A…” are so funny!

This Week’s Book Haul:

ARCs thanks to the publisher and authors:

Audio ARCs thanks to Tantor Media:

Non-Bookish News:

It finally stopped raining! I did snow just a bit though…nothing like they are getting in the Northeast for sure! Just a dusting. The temps dropped quite a bit this week. Typical for March-in like a lion and all!

I took a personal day on Thursday and it was great! I slept in, played with the dogs, did some housework, and relaxed. It was a nice day!

My allergies have been acting up this week. My nose is all stuffy and swollen, my eyes are all itchy, and my throat is all scratchy! It feels earlier than usual for allergies though! Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come this spring. Yikes! I did allergy shots for 5 years. I’m not sure they helped that much though, you know. And driving there was a pain. In the beginning, I had to go twice a week! Twice a week for a year!! By the end I was only going monthly, but it was just getting to be a pain. Anyway, its allergy season so I need to stock up on Flonase and eye drops I guess!

Can we discuss how easily someone can obtain a firearm, but I have to show my ID and have it entered into the system to get sudafed? And they limit how much you can get! I know, people use it for drugs, but y’all I need it! Seriously, why is it so hard to get sudafed? I’m gonna have to start asking family members to get it for me with their ID. Ok, rant over (but seriously!). When the DEA raids my house, y’all know why.

I got a new fancy soft box light for my bookstagram! I’m so excited to play with it. The bulb is as big as my head. Seriously-check it out:

Are you on IG? I follow back, I promise! Check out my pictures @thebookdisciple! And you can check out the light too:

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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16 responses to “#SundayPost: It finally stopped raining!

  1. Date with a Highlander was pretty funny. 🙂 I love all the looks they got…

    I’ve heard that about allergy shots. Twice a week for a year- wow!

    Right about the sudafed? It’s SO ridiculous. You could probably get an assault rifle easier!!

  2. Allergy season is just awful! I absolutely agree with your rant. Here in Tennessee there is no waiting period, they run a background check immediately, so, and being prior law enforcement my background would be clear, bit It still surprised me when I was able to walk out with mine the same day. Where as in Florida, it was a 3 day waiting period. Yay for the new light, hope it works really good for you. 🙂 Happy Sunday.

  3. This week has been rough for me but I plan to relax this week since it’s Spring Break. I have allergies as well but am bad about taking my Flonase but I guess I need to be proactive. Hope you have a great week!

    Cricket recently posted: My Sunday Post #55
  4. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Christina Dodd book – The Woman Who Couldn’t Scream as I really want to read that one myself. I think a personal day sounds lovely. I may have to schedule a day just like that for myself. Have a great week 🙂

  5. Wow! You’re like nth level bookstagramming. I had looked at one of those little studio setups, but then I never got it. I really only get physical books once a year (BEA, BookCon) and I don’t think I am going this year at all. Use your big light in good health though. Hope it delivers on all its promises. The weather is no friend of mine. We need to put a stop to all these nor’easters. Hope you find some relief from you allergies.

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post
  6. I had a 3 day weekend and after working in the yard some I just did what I felt like. I’d say I’m ready to go back to work but the time change thing happened. Not so sure I’ll feel like getting out of bed. LOL Love that pet video. Animals are so fun to watch.

  7. Sorry to hear your allergies are acting up! My son has them pretty bad and I feel sorry for him! Seriously about the Sudafed! You can probably get firearms with less hassle. That cat/animal video is so cute and hilarious! Enjoy your week, Samantha! 🙂

  8. Yeah we had snow and it’s been cold. Boo! I always think it is weird about entering your info for Sudafed. Or that they need my age for Nyquil at some stores. I swear I look old enough lol. WOw that light is pretty legit for IG photos!!! Is that how everyone gets pretty lighting in pics? Have a great week!!

  9. That’s good news on the rain. Rain makes for a muddy mess especially with pups ^_^. I graved Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas while it was on sale for $1.99, not sure if it still is. I use to like Terry Spear, but after this one I am wondering to myself as to what I found enjoyable about the stories. It was ok, but I can described what it was that bothered me, maybe the wording. I kept rolling my eyes at everything. Maybe it’s time to put this author away. I also read Tempted & Taken (Men of Haven) by Rhenna Morgan. I loved the firs 3 books, but this one I wasn’t feeling our hero or the heroine. I’m hoping it’s just this book and that others published don’t give me the same disappointment. My other read was a library listen from one of my favorite series, Psy-Changeling,, Bonds of Justice. I’m getting so much out of the audios. It’s a nice feeling. Hopeful my books this week are better.
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

  10. I thought it was the kittens at first but it sort of just hit me today and my allergies are insane! I think the back and forth with the weather is also making my sinuses cranky.

    That lightbulb is awesome! I can’t wait to see your pictures.

    Have a great week, Samantha! Happy Reading!

  11. I can easily see why you would have quit the allergy shots- what a pain! I am afraid we’re going to have a rough allergy season, at least in Dallas, because our winter never got cold enough. Of course, it’s cold today after being in the 70s last week. Typical weather. Good luck getting your Sudafed- what a statement about our society that it’s harder to get Sudafed than a gun 🙁 *sigh* Have a great week !

  12. OMG those videos were hilarious. I’ve never seen the Harlequin ones before. Isn’t it crazy how a random day off can feel so decadent? 🙂 I hear ya with the Sudafed woes. I know there’s abuse potential, but I just find it absurd. Cool on the new light! I’m off to check out the latest it’s. 🙂

  13. Sorry about your allergies. It’s not just Sudafed, but all cold and sinus meds. I feel like a felon every time I need to buy a box. Hope you feel better soon. Spring is coming for sure.

    That boops video is so cute!

  14. Rowena

    I’m such an amateur when it comes to taking bookstagram pictures. Is that light the key to better quality pics? I’m going to need to check that out. I adore your bookstagram account.

    I hope you have a great week, Samantha!

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