Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
- The Broken Places by Mia Sheridan
- YOLO by Lani Lynn Vale
I can’t believe its the end of October already! We are approaching my favorite time of year: Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I’m really not a Halloween fan-I hate being scared, I’m not a fan of costumes, and I think the whole idea of trick or treating is strange (sending kids to strangers houses?? We spend all year telling kids NOT to do this). So, I will be glad when this week is over. I do have a costume for work on Thursday-me and a few coworkers are going to be Care Bears. It only requires me to wear a special T-Shirt.
Another week without doggie escapes. I’m very happy about this. We have been doing daily walks as the vet recommended for Ranger’s weight. It’s good for all of us. Ranger is still not happy about the diet though. Two weeks ago he ate a chair in the living room, and last week he ate a box of tissues. We are working through it.
It was a busy week at work-several meetings, a couple of returning students who need intakes, and one who is coming back and his ETR is due by 11/15! So, next week will be busier than I had anticipated.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

We are mostly ignoring Halloween this year with all the election stuff we are doing. The weather is gorgeous though. I’m glad the escapes are down and the walks are up. Lulu LOVES her walks
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Eating through the chair seems like a negative review of the food. I hope Ranger can adjust soon. I agree. A person tried to get me into their house when I was kid in Brooklyn. I was frozen, but my friend pulled me out and we ran. Bad experience, so I agree, it’s odd we take candy from strangers. I love that they do trunk or treating now.
Poor Ranger on a diet LOL But our dog has to be watched too and her food monitored so I get it!