#SundayPost: September 11th

Posted September 11, 2022 in Roundup Tags:

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

  •   The Revenge by Tijan
  •   Suck This by Lani Lynn Vale

I’d laugh, but it is legitimately scary…


News-wise, this is a heavy week. First, the Queen died. I always loved seeing pictures of her and her corgis. The discussion about whether or not people should be sad since colonization by the British is bad is a bit daunting. I think you can be sad someone died but also not like some decisions her government made. Everyone is just so quick to argue about everything on social media.

Today is September 11th. I was in college when the tragedy happened. I actually attended college right next to Wright Patterson Airforce Base so it was CRAZY. The base was evacuated of all non essential personnel and the university closed (because we are so close to the base). Watching it all unfold was one of the most shocking things I have ever seen. I mean, I had been to NY and seen those buildings in person. Something about seeing a place I had been made it all feel scarier. I will never forget the people jumping out the windows. Seriously, it is scarred into by consciousness as a terrible consequence of violence.

So, yeah, all that aside, this week was fair break at school. I still had to work, but me and the other school psychologist were the ONLY two people in the district who had to work. I went in on Tuesday and Wednesday, but then worked from home on Thursday and Friday because being in a big building alone was just weird.

I leave for Spokane, WA in 1 week. I have always been a bit nervous about travel, even before COVID. I always get sick from airplanes. But a new fear has emerged-someone yelling at me for wearing a mask. I keep seeing videos of people FREAKING OUT on other people because they are wearing a mask. I’m sure it won’t actually be a problem, but still. Also, being hearing impaired and traveling alone is NOT easy. Oh, and having Celiacs doesn’t help either. So, hit me with your travel tips if you have flown recently!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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9 responses to “#SundayPost: September 11th

  1. This day is definitely sobering. I live really close to the city, and remember them locking down all the bridges and tunnels. I could see the smoke for weeks too. I have flown lots of times since 2020 and never saw people yelling at others for wearing masks. Weird. I have I seen it the other way around though. Hopefully your trip is drama free.

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Sundays with Sam – The Sunday Post
  2. The meme about the electric bill is no joke. I hate that we have only one option in my city so it’s a total monopoly. And they keep raising the rates and there’s no alternative. Ugh. I think most everyone can remember where they were and what they were doing on 9/11. I certainly do. It’s something we’ll surely never forget. People taking issue with others wearing a mask just confounds me. It’s like, I’m not hurting you so what do you care if I’m wearing a mask? I swear, people have lost their minds.

  3. I was at home ready to take my dog to the vet when the tragedy occurred. It is also my parent’s wedding anniversary (today is their 63rd). I am also flying next week and last flew when masks were mandated in April. I will continue to wear a mask during my flights and during our vacation as needed and I know my hubby and I will not be the only ones (he is high risk). I hope your flights go well and you have a wonderful week.

  4. Samantha I have fear of flying so I get it! I’d say if someone yells at you you just ask the steward to help you, it’s their job. But I am certain everything will be fine! Deep breaths…

  5. It felt weird to not be as somber as usual about 9/11. Something about it falling on a Sunday maybe? But yeah, I can remember exactly where I was, and how my stepdad had actually been flying somewhere for work so we were worried about that. I think you’ll be okay with the mask. That doesn’t seem to be as much of a problem most of the time these days, at least I haven’t heard much lately about that. I hope you have a good trip and it all goes well!

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