#SundayPost: The end is here

Posted August 19, 2018 in Roundup Tags: ,

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

Also, I did a post about my favorite bookish websites and best romance book blogs! Check it out!

What’s Coming Up:

  • From Here to You by Jamie McGuire
  • Charms of Attraction by Julia Clarke
  • The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Truth or Dare from Anne Conley

This Week’s New Releases:

What I Found Online:

This Week’s Book Haul:

ARCs thanks to the authors and publishers:

Audio ARCs thanks to Tantor Audio:

Non-Bookish News:

The end is here. My summer is over. The best part about teaching is the time off. We cram a LOT of work into August-May so I have earned my time off. Getting back into the swing of working after 12 weeks off is NOT easy at all. I have to wear clothes that aren’t PJs, shoes that aren’t flip flops, actually talk to people all day, and get up at 5:15am every morning. Seriously-the first week back always kills my throat (from all the talking that I am forced to do that I didn’t do all summer) and my feet (even with the most comfortable shoes, you have to get used to being on your feet all day long after summer vacation!). This year, instead of working with just 1 grade level of students, I am working with the math department. So, any students who have an IEP for math in grades 9-12 will be my responsibility. YIKES! Hopefully it all goes well. I am thankful that I have a GREAT team-both my department (special education) and the math department at my school. Still-pray for me yall!

My parents gave me some new furniture and I love it!! Its so comfortable. Our current couch is about 20 years old. It belonged to my in-laws, then they gave it to us before our wedding (14 years ago!). So it really needed replaced. Yoda has claimed it as HIS now. They also gave us a chair that their dog used to use, but since his hip surgery he has trouble jumping into it. Yoda has also claimed that as HIS.

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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23 responses to “#SundayPost: The end is here

    • 12 weeks is LONG! I taught in a year round school before and we would go to school for 9 week blocks, then get 3 weeks off. We did this 4 times a year, then the kids switched grades. It was nice!

    • I call Yoda my ‘cranky old man’ dog. If he could talk, he would be yelling at all the other wildlife to ‘get off his lawn’. But he is so cute!!

  1. Good Luck with the new School year and your new class. I am not looking forward to getting up at 5am again once the kids go back. My son has to be at school early and I have to be at work before 8am to it’s always a rush around here during the school year but I am looking forward to the routine again.

    I need a new couch so bad, we are hoping to get one before Christmas but it might have to wait we got our couch 13 years ago when I broke the other one with my fat butt, lol.

    I hope you have an awesome with Samantha! Happy Reading! ox

  2. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog

    That is a lot of new releases this week!!! I can imagine it is hard to go back and that first week is rough. We still have about 2 1/2 weeks left. Enjoy your new reads and have a great week!

  3. Aww it’s hard to believe summer is already over! I hope you have a great start to the school year though! I can imagine the first week or so back must be tough. Who wants to talk to people all day lol??

    Yoda sounds like he’s settling in nicely with the furniture. 🙂

  4. Good luck with school, Sam!! I didn’t go to school in the US so I don’t exactly know how it is. What I know is what I see in the movies and it’s SCARY! I don’t think I can survive school here!

    Glad you got new stuff… and of course, the dogs own it! We also don’t have new furniture right now LOL and basically, the cats sleep on it haha

    • I am actually lucky to work in a private HS so its different than the really scary inner city public schools (but I have taught at a few of those too!). So, my students are all pretty good kids and pretty well behaved since their parents are paying $10,000 a year for them to go to school (so, basically $40,000 for the 4 years of high school!).

  5. Rowena

    Woot for new furniture (for you and Yoda) but booo for going back to work. Don’t you wish that you were independently wealthy? Cause I do. =) I hope you can get into a rhythm with school so that you’re not so bummed about going back.

    Happy reading this week, Sam and I hope you have a great week! Hugs from California!

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