Sweet Haven by K.C. Lynn: Review

Posted October 14, 2016 in review Tags: ,

Sweet Haven by K.C. Lynn: ReviewSweet Haven by K.C. Lynn
Pages: 184
Series: The Sweet Series #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Also in this series: Sweet Love, Sweet Destiny
Also by this author: Sweet Love, An Act of Obsession, An Act of Courage, Fighting With Honor
Amazon iBooks

Two cups of an arrogant, dirty talkin’ firefighter who has an obsession with peaches and the forbidden girl who smells like them.

One tablespoon of a sweet schoolteacher trying to find her place in the world while attempting to resist her brother’s sworn enemy.

A slice of fate that has their hearts questioning the past and the consuming need they have for one another.

A dash of desire.

A pinch of rivalry.

A sprinkle of déjà vu.

Mix together in a large bowl to create a combustible passion and a future that neither of them could have ever predicted.

Bake at 350° for a rich serving of destiny and a love that could burn for eternity.

A timeless recipe that is sure to fill your heart with a generous helping of Sweet Haven.


This a longer length novella and is the second book in the Sweet series. It is told in dual POV, has an HEA, and no cliffhanger. Since Samantha and Jase are recurring characters from Sweet Temptation and Sweet Love, I recommend reading both books prior to this but it isn’t a must.

Warning: Due to mature subject matter, such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

I am a total sucker for KC Lynn books. She writes really good alpha males and dynamic females. The heroines are not simpering idiots, but they are women who have struggled with something. They are also women who are independent, but willing to accept support. Sweet Haven is just another great example of why Lynn’s style really makes me happy!

So, we have known Sam for awhile. She is ‘Sexy Sawyer’s’ sister and she is the only member of the family still living in their hometown and not in Charleston with everyone else. So, the setting to Sweet Haven is different from the other books in the series. I kind of liked that! You get to meet lots of new people. The hero, Jase, is a fireman so he has lots of hot fireman friends! He is also Sawyer’s arch nemesis. Also, their fathers hated each other as well. Its a bit like the Hatfields and the McCoys. No one is sure exactly why it all started, but each side can list wrongs committed onto them by the other side. Jase and Sawyers involved a super slutty girl. Doesn’t it always?

Sam has just left an abusive relationship, but Grant, her ex, isn’t really willing to let it go. Jase witnesses an altercation between Sam and Grant and steps in. He pushes her to report it, but that has not gone well for her in the past. Jase quickly realizes that he family must not know about the abuse either because they would have done something! Sam is dealing with the fall out from the relationship but she is also dealing with the loneliness of not having her family near by. She is planning to move to Charleston because she just can’t stand to be away from them and miss out on her niece and nephew!

So, not only do their families hate each other, but Sam is moving. So, you know the conflict of the story right up front. Overall, I thought it played out well, if not a bit cheesy for my taste.



Until Jax by Aurora Rose Reynolds, The Hashtag Series by Cambria Hebert, Axel by Harper Sloan…then you will probably like Sweet Haven!

Sweet Haven

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About K.C. Lynn

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She grew up in a family of four children—two sisters and a brother. Her mother was the lady who baked homemade goods for everyone on the street and her father was a respected man who worked in the RCMP. He’s since retired and now works for the criminal justice system. This being one of the things that inspires K.C. to write romantic suspense about the trials and triumphs of our heroes.

K.C. married her high school sweetheart and they started a big family of their own—two adorable girls and a set of handsome twin boys. They still reside in the same small town but K.C.’s heart has always longed for the south, where everyone says ‘y’all’ and eats biscuits and gravy for breakfast.

It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. It was then a beautiful world opened up and she found what she was meant to do…write.

When K.C.’s not spending time with her beautiful family she can be found in her writing cave, living in the fabulous minds of her characters and their stories.

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6 responses to “Sweet Haven by K.C. Lynn: Review

  1. I really want to read this now. I’ve never given much thought to a K.C. Lynn story. Other than seeing them float around Facebook I never put much thought into reading them, but now I need to read them.

  2. So how does the baking and recipes tie into this book? After reading that blurb, I thought the heroine would be a baker but she’s a school teacher so that’s out. Is there a theme there? It looks interesting though so thanks for the review! 🙂

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