Best of 2017! #favoritebooks #topreads #Giveaway

Posted December 30, 2017 in Discussion Tags: ,

I don’t know why, but picking my Best of 2017 was harder than previous years! Maybe I was more critical? Maybe I just didn’t read as many amazing books? Whatever the reason, this was not an easy list! But these books are all AMAZING so be sure to check them out! I was planning to do my top 17 of 2017 but I went over….

Contemporary Romance picks (Click the book title to see my review!)

New Adult Romance picks

Historical Romance



  •  Purrfect Santa by Chasity Bowlin and Jessie Lane (review will be live tomorrow!)

Dark Romance/Audiobook

Tell me: What were your favorite books of 2017?

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21 responses to “Best of 2017! #favoritebooks #topreads #Giveaway

  1. I JUST so agree with so many of these. Ride Wild, Racer, Devil in Spring were all fantastic books. Silver Silence was so wonderful, love the gruff bear hero who is beyond patient and loves to play and be challenged.

  2. Reese

    My faves were A Conjuring of Light and In Other Lands, but I see you have listed Lord of Shadows and I agree, it was a great read!

  3. James Robert

    I like both the reviews and giveaways. I get books for my 2 sisters and also my twin oldest daughters. Besides getting them books, I let them know of the books I think they’d enjoy also.

    • James Robert

      I need to put this here also and since it is the book I heard last about from my sister, Wrong to Need You is the name of the book I heard she liked last. I am not the reader but the ladies in my family sure are.

  4. Madonna

    I loved reading the Ivy Rose series by Gemma Jackson. I only discovered it this year thankfully because I am not a patient waiter and the final book wasn’t published until July of this year.

  5. I know how you feel on picking books. This year I had some trouble too. Not sure if their weren’t that many great ones out or if I was more picky or what. Here are a few I loved this year: White Hot & Wildfire by Ilona Andrews (PNR/UF), Wild & Sweet by Rhenna Morgan (CR), & Silver Silence by Nalini Singh (PNR/UF).

  6. Laurajj

    Oh I have had so many favorites this year! One that I recently read and loved was Sugarplum Way by Debbie Mason! Something about romance and Christmas!

  7. Rowena

    Great list you’ve got here, Samantha. I see some reads that made my top lists for last year. Silver silence was a good one, as was Devil in Spring and then there are some books that I’m looking forward to checking out myself like the Kate Meader books. I can’t wait to dig into that series.

    Happy New Year!!

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