Evil by Tijan: Review

Posted May 15, 2016 in review Tags: , ,

Evil by Tijan: ReviewEvil by Tijan

Genres: Paranormal Romance
Also by this author: Fallen Fourth Down, Fallen Crest University, Anti-Stepbrother, Cole, Eye Candy, The Boy I Grew Up With, Bennett Mafia, Teardrop Shot, The Insiders, The Damaged , The Revenge, My Anti-Hero

You know that group of people in school that everyone fears? Popular. Beautiful. The in-crowd?

That was my family. Kind of.

We were above that group. We held court over everyone else. We were the best looking. We were the mysterious and elusive ones. Most of the girls wanted to (and did) date the guys, but they didn’t want to be one of us. They couldn’t be. They were our prey.

We were the feared.

But like every family, nothing is as it seems. That was my truth.

Kellan was in his own league. He was our leader and he was the one no one messed with. No one dared. He was ruthless, powerful, and no one could match him…

Except for me.

I was about to find out just how different I was from my family.

**Evil is a full-length paranormal romance stand-alone.


what i think

I love the high school drama and angst that Tijan writes so well. Her books are full of it. So, when I had the chance to grab a paranormal book by Tijan, I snagged Evil quick! I went into without knowing much about it so it was a discovery for me!

Evil gives us the story of the Braden’s. They are 4 siblings in high school who have special powers. As the book begins, you aren’t really sure what is going on with them. There is a strange bond between the siblings, and the narrator, Shay, is different from the rest of her siblings (and they are all different! Shay is just different-er). Honestly, this book kept me guessing! What are these siblings? What is the strange tattoo on Shay? What does it all mean? Demons, angels, messengers, and more all wind together in this world. And there is even a bit of a ‘taboo’ relationship that reminded me of The Mortal Instruments (and I loved that series). I always find Tijan’s writing engaging and Evil was no exception!

Evil was on Wattpad for awhile. Tijan wrote the first 20 chapters or so, and then it was abandoned. Thankfully, for those who were left hanging, she finished it! If you started it on Wattpad you will certainly want to see how the masterful Tijan concludes Evil!


  • POV: 1st (Shay)
  • Tears: No
  • Trope: Paranormal
  • Triggers: none
  • Series/Standalone: Standalone
  • Cliffhanger: No
  • HEA:

if you liked

The Dark Ones by Rachel Van Dyken, Paper Princess by Erin Watt, The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare…then you will probably like Evil!

where to get it




Hello~ (waves)

I didn’t begin writing until after undergraduate college. There’d been storylines and characters in my head all my life, but it came to a boiling point one day and I HAD to get them out of me. So the computer was booted up and I FINALLY felt it click. Writing is what I needed to do. After that, I had to teach myself how to write. I can’t blame my teachers for not teaching me all those years in school. It was my fault. I was one of the students that was wishing I was anywhere but at school! So after that day, it took me lots of work until I was able to put together something that resembled a novel. I’m hoping I got it right since someone must be reading this profile! And I hope you keep enjoying my future stories.

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