Sunday Post Week 19

Posted May 15, 2016 in Roundup Tags:

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Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

Other Posts:

What’s Coming Up:

  • Evil by Tijan
  • Showmance by LH Cosway
  • Charged by Jay Crownover
  • Shelter for Elizabeth by Susan Stoker
  • Fooling Around by Noelle Adams
  • Too Hot to Handle by Tessa Bailey
  • The Bad Decision Legacy by Morgan Kay

#CleanSweepARC challenge: I have read 7 of my goal of 16!

This Week’s New Releases:

Open Giveaways:

$25.00 Amazon Gift Card

$5 Amazon Gift Card

What I Found Online:

So this week my students had our annual talent show. And this is one of them playing Grenade by Bruno Mars on the violin. Also, he scored a 32 on his ACTs. He is so talented at everything he does! (His mom is a coworker and wonderful woman!)

This Week’s Book Haul:

Ok, I got CRAZY lucky with ARCs this week! I am insanely excited about Empire. Like, actually NUTS with joy! And CoHo?!? And Until June?? I should buy a lotto ticket with this kind of luck!

I also got East of Redemption by Molly E. Lee!
Then I grabbed Untraceable on SALE!

Non-Bookish News:

Housing drama continues: So, this week we scheduled the appraisal and the loan went to the underwriters. I took a personal day from work on Wednesday to spend some time packing and cleaning and trying to get things together. There is just so much to do!

My husband was in a car accident. Everyone is totally fine-it was pretty minor really. But, he was cited and given a $205 ticket and we have a $500 deductible on our insurance to get the car fixed. I am just bleeding money! The house stuff (because seriously, every day it seems like someone else needs a couple hundred dollars for something!) and now the car stuff. Thankfully I have a couple summer jobs to pick up extra money (supervising the ACT in June and teaching a test prep class in August). Seriously, summer vacation cannot get here soon enough for me!

We are in the last few weeks of school for my students. So naturally, things are getting a bit crazy. The kids are done and ready for school to be over, the teachers are cranky and taking it out on everyone, and its getting hot (we don’t have air conditioning). Seriously, no one is actually learning anything this week. The last few weeks of school are always the worst!

Wow-so I feel like I just bitched a lot! Things are actually good really! I mean, we are buying a house and I only have 2 more weeks of school left! Yay!! I’m sure these weeks will fly by! The first week of June is all the end of the year stuff-exams, graduation mass, and graduation! Its all exciting and fun!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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15 responses to “Sunday Post Week 19

  1. Wow. I’m sorry to hear about the housing stuff and your husband’s accident. It sucks that he was cited, but I’m glad he wasn’t hurt. Sometimes it really feels like when it rains it pours, huh? But at least you have one hell of a book haul! (Trying to look on the bright side here. Haha.) I got CoHo’s upcoming book this week too, but I’ve not started it yet. I know it will rip my heart out and I’m not quite in the mood for a book like that right now.

    I hope this week is better!

  2. Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about the accident and all the housing issues. That just sucks but ugh I remember when my parents bought a house and there was some unexpected cost like every week. I hope summer comes swiftly for you.
    You definitely had some awesome luck with books this week! I accidentally downloaded the CoHo book (I didn’t realize it was a widget!), and I don’t know if I want to read it yet because her past couple of books haven’t been for me. :/
    Anyways, I hope you enjoy all your books, Samantha and have a wonderful week! 🙂

    • I feel the same way about CoHo. Her books are either hits or misses for me. I liked Never, Never though so I am going to give this one a go! Although I know she is just gonna crush my heart and you know how I feel about that 🙁

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about the wreck! Glad everyone was ok. A few years ago I had a fender bender that looked like minor damage and wound up costing nearly as much as the car was worth. Thankfully (like you) I only had the 500 deductible. I don’t know what i would have done otherwise!
    You picked up some great books this week. I’m looking forward to Wasted Words. I love the cover 😀
    Hope you have a better week!

    • Thanks! Yes, the damage is always deceptive-it might look simple, then they tell you all that is broken underneath and its overwhelming!
      I am so in love with the cover of Wasted Words. And so far, I am in love with the heroine! She is awesome!

  4. Ok, where is everyone getting the CoHo ARC? I’ve been stocking Netgalley for it. And Edelweiss, I kinda don’t know what i’m doing on that one.

    • Actually, I think its hidden on Netgalley. You can only get to it if you are sent the widget from the publisher (which is how I got it and how many of my other blogger friends got it). And I totally hate Edelweiss! I never get approved for anything there! Its just ego crushing disappointment!

    • Thanks for understanding my bitching! I’m not sure I am keeping up with everything 🙂 My coworkers can tell you I’m quite the mess!!

  5. So jealous of your CoHo book! I’m a huge new fan of hers. I’ll probably be checking out more and more of your reviews now that I’m kind of getting more into the same types of books as you read a lot of. Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post earlier!

  6. Jen

    What a beautiful performance! *claps while standing*
    I’m so glad that your husband is fine and here’s hoping that there are no more expenses meanwhile! *crosses fingers!* Have fun with your arcs and I can’t wait to see what you think of Charged! And here’s hoping that this next week is a billion times better!

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