Murder at Sunrise Lake by Christine Feehan

Posted June 21, 2021 in review Tags: , , , ,

Murder at Sunrise Lake by Christine FeehanMurder at Sunrise Lake by Christine Feehan
Pages: 432
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Setting: Sunrise Lake, CA
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also by this author: Judgment Road, Shadow Keeper, Dark Sentinel, Dark Challenge, Dark Magic , Vengeance Road, Toxic Game, Shadow Warrior, Dark Illusion, Vendetta Road, Lethal Game, Shadow Flight, Desolation Road, Reckless Road, Shadow Storm (Shadow Riders #6), Annihilation Road , Savage Road, Dark Whisper , Leopard's Scar , Recovery Road , Ghostly Game, Dark Memory , Betrayal Road
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#1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan reaches new heights of passion and suspense in this thrilling novel that takes readers deep into the California backcountry, where a woman is tormented by visions of a killer.
It starts in her dreams. Hideous flashes from a nightmare only she can stop. Images of a murderer stalking the ones she cares about most...
Stella Harrison thought she got away from the traumas of her past. Running the Sunrise Lake resort high in the Sierra Nevada mountains has brought her peace, even though she doesn't truly share her quiet life with anyone. Not even Sam, the hired handyman that notices everything and always seems to know exactly what she needs.
Stella doesn't know anything about Sam's past, but somehow over the last two years his slow, steady presence has slipped past her defenses. Still, she knows she can't tell him about her recent premonitions. So far there's been no murder. No body. No way to prove what's about to happen without destroying the life she's built for herself.
But a killer is out there. And Stella knows that this time she'll do whatever it takes to stop him.

Murder at Sunrise Lake proves again why I love Feehan’s writing. She creates amazing suspense, some seriously spine chilling moments, and romance. There is something here for everyone!

I love police procedurals, true crime, and thrillers, so when I found out Christine Feehan was writing a super suspenseful romance with heroine who could “see” a killer I was titivated for sure. Feehan weaves in some supernatural elements into all of her stories and that is another aspect that makes me love her writing. Murder at Sunrise Lake is spooky and I was creeped out many times. Because the heroine, Stella, dreams of the killers actions, you have a really unique glimpse that is gripping and creepy. I loved it! Stella doesn’t want these visions, and while she wants to help put this murderer away, she doesn’t want people thinking she is crazy.

Now, I will be honest and say I figured out the identity of the killer fairly quickly. Truly, I do in most books I read. I watch WAY too much crime tv. However, that didn’t dull my enjoyment of the story overall! It was an interesting game of “how to catch a killer” once I figured out the who.

The romance is rock solid and I loved that. Sam and Stella are a great pair, but Sam has secrets of his own. He was a steady hero for her and I appreciated that it was minimal drama between these two.

If you like your books with touches of thriller, paranormal, romance, and suspense, Murder at Sunrise Lake is a satisfying pick that will hit all your buttons!


Overall: four-stars

The In Death series by JD Robb, Layla by Colleen Hoover, Say You’re Sorry by Melinda Leigh…then you will probably like Murder at Sunrise Lake!

Murder at Sunrise Lake

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murder at sunrise lake

About Christine Feehan

Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 40 published novels, including five series; Leopard Series, Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Drake Sisters Series, & the Sisters of the Heart Series. All five series hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure BooksPocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.

In addition to the #1 New York Times bestsellers list and the PEARL awards, Christine is honored to have made the bestsellers list for Amazon, B. Daltons, Barnes and Nobles, Bookscan, Borders, Ingrams, Publishers Weekly, Rhapsody Book Club, USA Today, Waldenbooks, Walmart, and the Washington Post. Other honors that she has received include being a nominee for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA award, receiving the Career Achievement Award for Contemporary New Reality from Romantic Times Magazine in 2003 and in 2008 the Borders Lifetime Achievement Award.

She has been published in multiple languages and in many formats, including audio book, e-book, hardcover and large print.  In October of 2007 her first manga comic, Dark Hunger was released in stores.  This was the first ever manga comic released by Berkley Publishing and it made #11 on Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller’s List. Her ground-breaking book trailer commercials have been shown on TV and in the movie theaters. She has been featured on local TV, appeared on the The Montel Williams Show, and her book Dark Legend was featured on the cover of Romantic Times Magazine.

Christine Feehan has also appeared at numerous writers’ conventions and book signings including: Romantic Times ConventionGet Caught Reading at Sea CruiseCelebrate Romance ConferenceEmerald City Conference, and numerous Romance Writers of America Conferences. She was also a special guest at the 2013 Comic Con and now has her own FAN convention.

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