Shadow Storm by Christine Feehan

Posted May 24, 2021 in review Tags: , , ,

Shadow Storm by Christine FeehanShadow Storm (Shadow Riders #6) by Christine Feehan
Pages: 428
Series: Shadow Riders #6
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: ARC, NetGalley
Also in this series: Shadow Keeper, Shadow Warrior, Shadow Flight
Also by this author: Judgment Road, Shadow Keeper, Dark Sentinel, Dark Challenge, Dark Magic , Vengeance Road, Toxic Game, Shadow Warrior, Dark Illusion, Vendetta Road, Lethal Game, Shadow Flight, Desolation Road, Reckless Road, Murder at Sunrise Lake, Annihilation Road , Savage Road, Dark Whisper , Leopard's Scar , Recovery Road , Ghostly Game, Dark Memory , Betrayal Road
Amazon iBooks Audible

Danger inspires fierce passion when a new threat targets Chicago's Ferraro crime family in this novel in Christine Feehan's New York Times bestselling series.
A long-simmering feud between two families comes to a head in this gripping novel in Christine Feehan's New York Times bestselling Shadow Riders series.
As the youngest member of the Ferraro family, Emmanuelle has watched each of her brothers find happiness in love while her own heart was shattered by a lover’s betrayal. For two years she’s stayed as far away from Valentino Saldi as possible—until she learns that he’s been shot during a hostile takeover of his family’s territory.
Emme’s first instinct is to call her brother Stefano for help, and soon the entire Ferraro clan arrives to bring Val back from the brink of death and protect the Saldis from further attack. With one choice Emme has re-exposed herself to Val’s intoxicating pull and dragged her family into the Saldis’ private war.
A deadly storm is brewing, and only time will tell who survives…

Shadow Storm is the book most fans of the Shadow series have been waiting for. Emme and Val’s story has been mentioned in every previous book. It has had this Romeo/Juliet vibe for sure. Add in that they used to date and something went wrong and you have the slow build of a dynamite second chance story.

Shadow Storm really brings the action, and I loved that. And, as expected, there are secrets. So many secrets! Emme has been the character I have wanted to know more about-her mother is just awful and she seemingly takes such crap from her. I have been rooting for her and Val, but knew her brothers would be a hurdle. They are super protective and know that Val hurt Emme. They also don’t like that he is a Saldi.

Val has problems; really, his family has problems. The Saldi’s are a mafia family and that brings plenty of danger. Val has a darker story for many reasons, but being the heir of a mafia crime family delivers darkness to his door. Regardless, I knew he was the one for Emme. He wouldn’t back down when going head to head with her brothers, he would do anything to keep her safe, and while he wasn’t a rider, he understood her uniqueness.

The Shadow Riders series has been a favorite of mine and Shadow Storm really delivered everything I was hoping for and so much more! Fans of Feehan will devour this book!


Overall: four-stars

The Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh, The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward, …then you will probably like Shadow Storm!

Shadow Storm

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About Christine Feehan

Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 40 published novels, including five series; Leopard Series, Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Drake Sisters Series, & the Sisters of the Heart Series. All five series hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure BooksPocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.

In addition to the #1 New York Times bestsellers list and the PEARL awards, Christine is honored to have made the bestsellers list for Amazon, B. Daltons, Barnes and Nobles, Bookscan, Borders, Ingrams, Publishers Weekly, Rhapsody Book Club, USA Today, Waldenbooks, Walmart, and the Washington Post. Other honors that she has received include being a nominee for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA award, receiving the Career Achievement Award for Contemporary New Reality from Romantic Times Magazine in 2003 and in 2008 the Borders Lifetime Achievement Award.

She has been published in multiple languages and in many formats, including audio book, e-book, hardcover and large print.  In October of 2007 her first manga comic, Dark Hunger was released in stores.  This was the first ever manga comic released by Berkley Publishing and it made #11 on Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller’s List. Her ground-breaking book trailer commercials have been shown on TV and in the movie theaters. She has been featured on local TV, appeared on the The Montel Williams Show, and her book Dark Legend was featured on the cover of Romantic Times Magazine.

Christine Feehan has also appeared at numerous writers’ conventions and book signings including: Romantic Times ConventionGet Caught Reading at Sea CruiseCelebrate Romance ConferenceEmerald City Conference, and numerous Romance Writers of America Conferences. She was also a special guest at the 2013 Comic Con and now has her own FAN convention.

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