Sunday Post week 8!

Posted February 28, 2016 in Roundup Tags:

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

Review: Soulless
Review: How to Handle a Scandal
Review: His Kind of Cowgirl
Review: Her Forever Hero
Review: Her Fierce Warrior
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books to read if your in the mood for PNR!

This Week’s New Releases:

March’s New Releases!

What I Found Online:

21 Tumblr posts about Harry Potter the will make your day!

This Week’s Book Haul:

Purchased! (The Mistake is only 99cents!!!)

ARCs (thanks to the publishers and authors!)

Non-Bookish News:

Well, we found the house we loved. We thought it was secured. We were wrong. Sigh. So, we are taking a little break from house hunting this week. Its just too depressing!

Crazy weather again this week! One day it was 60 degree, then the next day it snowed. Just nuts!

I have been really backing off on requesting ARC’s and joining tours. I have so many books on my TBR and on my kindle I feel like I am neglecting them! Hopefully I will be able to read more of the books I already own! Does anyone else feel this way sometimes?!?

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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9 responses to “Sunday Post week 8!

  1. Wow, you reviewed so much this month! Looking forward to your TTT post since I love PNR 🙂

    I’m sorry about the house though :-/ That’s a disappointment. Maybe it’ll work out for the best though because you’ll end up finding something even better? Ok that probably isn’t helping, but sometimes things do oddly work out that way.

    I feel you on the ARCs. Not that I’ve ever gone ARC crazy, but I have like four right now and two pending, and that alone is stressing me out lol.

    • Yes, the housing thing sucks. I am trying to think that its for the best and that something awesome will pop up, but I am having a hard time being optimistic ya know!
      I had months were I went ARC crazy!! Way too much. I mean, I read fast and all, but I found I wasn’t getting to read all the books I wanted to. I am already 3/4 of the way through all my March ARCs so I am feel way less stressed!

  2. Sorry about the house, Samantha! It is really difficult, especially when you find a house where you can actually see yourself and it doesn’t work out 🙁
    I definitely feel the same way as you sometimes when it comes to ARCs and books I have bought. It’s really hard sometimes not to request those shiny ARCs, though – I love being able to read a book by one of my favorite authors before it’s released.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

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