Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!
What I Reviewed:
- [31 Mar] #SundayPost: April!
- [1 Apr] March Wrap Up and April TBR
- [2 Apr] The Promise by R.L. Mathewson ★★★★
- [3 Apr] Talkin' Trash by Lani Lynn Vale ★★★★
- [4 Apr] Colorado Cowboy by Sara Richardson ★★★★
- [6 Apr] I Want You Back by Lorelei James ★★½
What’s Coming Up:
- Mad About Moon by Melissa Foster
- Fallen Princess by Chantal Fernando
This Week’s New Releases:
What I Found Online:
The Golden Girls were savage!
This bird!!!
This Week’s Book Haul:
Non-Bookish News:
My allergies are in full bloom! My nose is totally stuffy, I have a delightful sounding cough, and my eyes are puffy and red. Its super fun. Sadly, this isn’t the worse time for my allergies. Once the grass pollen is in bloom, I get REALLY bad.
I came home Thursday to find 2 sick dogs who had pooped in the house. It was VERY gross. I’m not sure what made them sick, but they were SICK! So, they got rice for dinner for a few days and they seem okay now.
It’s been a bit warmer here (60’s) but still fairly rainy. Its pretty typical for this time of year. Everything is totally muddy and gross. But, there are flowers blooming!
6 more school days until Spring break. We have an in-service Monday (so teachers only), then No School Friday (because of Prom). Then just 3 days the week after and we are free!! I hope I am retired by the time Easter is this late in the year again. I can’t survive.
I’m starting a TBR jar to try and help me pick what to read. I am having a slump that is turning into a MAJOR slump and I’m hoping the jar will help. I am thinking I’ll make one for contemporary, one for PNR, one for romantic suspense, etc. That way, I can still pick kind of based on my mood.
So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

The Cherry Blossoms haven’t bloomed yet and when they do that is when allergy season will start for us in this house. Sorry your all puffy, I am not looking forward to that.
So next year, the town is fixing all the schools so to compansate it not being finished they extended the summer 3 weeks but that means they kids and teachers lose spring break and other off days. It’s going to be a long year for my daughter next year but I might let her take random days off to help. My kids spring break is on the 15th and then we are off to florida the next week, bad planning. lol
I hope this week is better and your puppies are feeling better! You too! Happy Reading!
Oh I would never make it with no spring break and such. She (and everyone in the school) will need to take some “mental health days” for sure!
It looks like you have had such a rough week darling, I am sorry to hear that. I hope your allergies get better and soon though.
Looks like some great releases this week, I have really really enjoyed the Shayla Black/Lexi Blake books, those are fantastic and really fun. Have you read them? if not I think you would really like them.
I am sorry to hear you are in a slump, those are the worst darling. Hope the book jar suggestion helps though.
I read the first 2 of the series a while back, then got distracted. I need to start over from the beginning! I think I even have 2 of them in audio!
My daughter did a TBR jab several years ago. It worked well for her. Hope you get some relief from your allergies and your slump too.
I’ve started a new job so no time off for spring break. I wouldn’t have done much anyway. LOL One good thing about the rain. It washes away all of that pollen:) Glad the dogs are doing better. I’ve had to clean up some of those messes too. Made me wish I had a doggy door.
Wow that bird is having fun! And yeah the Golden Girls were awesome. 🙂
I hear you on the allergies. Just going outside the last few days my nose feels like it’s going to explode! Argh. And funny you should mention rain! It’s raining right now haha, after being nice and in the 60’s all day. Spring is finally here maybe.
Well there is yellow dust all over (pine pollen) but I am still ok with my meds. I am also worse with grass pollen though. Good luck with the TBR jar. I think it’s a great idea to have it by genre as I’m such a mood reader. We are more like 65-70 also with flowers. I expect more rain this week. Have an amazing
Here is my Sunday Post spring break!
Eww sick dogies and poppy house. No fun to come home to that. Glad they are doing better. We just had spring break. It was fun, but also tiring. When Grandma visits she wants to go go go. I’m ok with doing stuff, but I don’t want to constantly go. I like to have my down time. I’m glad break is done and grandma is gone, so things can get back to normal. I didn’t get to read much of anything during break nor did I get any reviews written. I have reading withdrawal. ^_^
Have a great week and happy reading!
Yuck! Hate it when dogs get sick! Glad they are feeling better!
Your jar idea sounds like a good one, I hope it works for you.
Have a great reading week 🙂
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out- MY POST
I love the idea of a TBR jar! Right now, I have my little ones randomly pick a book and I’ll see if I want to read it. I am glad that your dogs are feeling better. I ended up preordering Meet Cute and I can’t wait to get to it. I hope the allergies aren’t too too bad. I hope you have a wonderful week.