#SundayPost: Happy New Year and #firstworldproblems

Posted December 31, 2017 in Roundup Tags:

Sunday Post

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

And here is a little wrap up of my year overall!

Genres (Number of Books)Average Rating
Contemporary Romance (118)3.82 Stars
Dark Romance (3)4.67 Stars
Erotic Romance (1)4 Stars
Fantasy (2)4.75 Stars
Historical Romance (10)3.8 Stars
New Adult (24)3.92 Stars
Paranormal Romance (38)4.03 Stars
Psychological Thriller (1)4.5 Stars
Romantic Comedy (4)3 Stars
Romantic Suspense (73)3.85 Stars
Sci Fi Romance (2)3.5 Stars
Sports Romance (10)4.3 Stars
True Crime (7)3.29 Stars
Young Adult (10)3.8 Stars


What’s Coming Up:

  • Rocco by Sarah Castille
  • Heart of the Wolf by Terry Spear
  • Wicked Rules by LA Cotton
  • Now that You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

This Week’s New Releases:


What I Found Online:

This is the time of year I always say “I’m going to eat right and lose weight”…

This Week’s Book Haul:

Freebies or 99 cent deals:

ARCs Thanks to the authors!

Non-Bookish News:

We had an unexpected white Christmas!! Christmas Eve we got a blast of snow that was a bit stronger than the forecasters anticipated. We woke up to 1 inch of snow on Christmas morning. Then, it got CRAZY cold here. Like single digit highs. Last year we didn’t really have any super cold days like this so I guess we are due. As long as it brings the snow, I don’t mind!

I am enjoying my break from work. I have cleaned the house a bit, binge watched Friends on Netflix, and read some books. I have to get myself ready to go back to work on Wednesday though. I have been staying up late reading and then sleeping until 11 am or so. My 5 am alarm will be a difficult one to answer if I stay up until 3 am reading!

I published my goals for 2018 reading challenges. This year, I am focusing more on books that appeal to me or have been on my TBR forever as opposed to packing my schedule with ARC reviews. One of the biggest things I plan to do is really cut out all the tours with PR companies. I will still always get the ARC copies that publishers send me widgets for (I have no self control people!) but I have been making a conscious effort to not sign up for anything via a PR company. I know there will be exceptions (again, no self control!) but I am actually excited about this! While most of the PR companies I have worked with are great, I find that the deadlines are really starting to stress me. When a publisher sends me a widget, I always try to get it reviewed by the release date, but its not required. And often, those books are sent to me MONTHS in advance so I have plenty of time if I find myself in a funky mood and not wanting to read.

As I reflect on 2017, I realize that I didn’t read as many books as I had in the previous years. Why? I wasn’t busier. It wasn’t for lack of great book releases. I really think its because I felt ‘obligated’ to read. I signed up for a book that sounded good at the time, but when it was time to read it, the appeal wasn’t there. But, I had committed to read it (and the idea of emailing someone and telling them I was not going to make the deadline is just NOT okay with me-I simply cannot ignore deadlines. I can’t). I think it is slowly taking the fun out of reading. Or maybe its just my time for a blogging slump? I’m not sure. But, I know there are a LOT of great books out there and I want to be able to read whatever, whenever!

My wireless Beats Solo 2 headphones kind of broke this week. They work when you plug them in, but not when used via bluetooth. My problem-I am so used to wireless headphones I nearly broke my phone or choked myself going back to wired headphones!! That stupid wire was all up in my way all the time! I usually wear my headphones to listen to books while I clean, which requires a lot of movement. It was NOT going well. Sadly, I don’t have the money right now to replace them and I don’t want to just get something cheap to get by with, you know. #firstworldproblems for sure!

Also, my new years resolution is to get back into shape. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and it has all crept back! So, if you have any websites with great low cal recipes, let me know!! Anyone have any good tips to staying on track? I used my fitness pal in the past and liked it, but if you have anything that might be better, let me know!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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18 responses to “#SundayPost: Happy New Year and #firstworldproblems

  1. I just love this post and looks like 2017 was a pretty good reading year. I haven’t really done many tours anymore either. Only every once in a while. I am also trying to lose weight again. When I lived in Texas I gained 50 pounds, and yeah to some that might not seem like a lot, but considering I have always weighed 130 all of my life until the past few years and I was so in shape too even was starting to get some nice defined abs. So I say we help each other (if you like). I use recipes from Kayla Itsines, since I use her fitness program she and her fiancee set up together. You can try her program through their app for free for a week and see what you think. Its $20 a month but they offer a lot or you can just purchase it as a whole. Have you tried it or heard of their BBG program? It really works. And Kayla is very inspirational too, such a sweet lady. Her site is kaylaitsines.com if you are interested or curious. I also use tasty recipes from skinnytaste.com, which she also has a couple of cookbooks as well but she has quite a few free recipes online. And her recipes are so dang good that hubbies and children love too!!! 🙂 Good luck with your health goals.

    I honestly can’t wait for your review of Heart of the Wolf because I LOVE that book. So dang good.

  2. My daughter is envious of your white Christmas! I hope you are staying safe and warm. I am glad you are enjoying your time off from work. I had an unexpected break during my bout with strep throat, although I didn’t get much done. I think had my mom not been visiting and keeping me down to rest, I would have gotten more accomplished. I’m terrible at resting, even when sick. LOL Unless the sickness keeps me down, that is.

    I think your reading goals for the new year are very doable! I really cut back on book tours in 2017, and it really was freeing. I wish you the best with all your goals. I really need to work on my weight too–and get back to exercising. I will find a way . . .

    I hope you have a Happy New Year, Samantha! I look forward to spending another year with you via our blogs. 🙂 Happy Reading!

  3. Yay for a white Christmas! We had one too, and it’s sticking around. It’s been cold too. At least the sun is out now, but yeah- it’s still pretty cold. 🙂

    Good luck with your challenges in 2018! And happy New Year!

  4. We got a little bit of snow Christmas morning, it’s been a few here for us. But I am really over all this extreme cold. They forecasted record breaking cold for us here tonight and tomorrow. And the weather people are excited about it too. WTH! Lol… My husband Beats were dead the other day and he had to use my wife’s Beats and he wasn’t happy at all. He kept pulling out of his ears ever time he’s move. I tried not laugh at him. ? Hope you the last of your break and Happy New Year!!! ??

  5. The kitten in the food bowl is absolutely adorable. Could you imagine if we could just roll around in our food like that too? Lol. How lovely that you had a white Christmas! And I get you about the deadline stress. Even without deadlines, review copies can be stressful. Sorry about your headphones breaking :-/ Good luck with your goals though, and have a wonderful new year!

  6. That is really impressive how you broke down your ratings. I am way too lazy for that. My condolences on your Beats. My daughter bought me wireless headphones last year, and I felt so liberated! I hope you figure out what the problem is, so you can reclaim your freedom! That is awesome that you were able to step back and realize what you needed to be a happier blogger. I don’t do a ton of tours, because I feel that sometimes the tour organizers wait until the last minute to send the rafflecopter link and what not, and that stresses me out. I hope your choices result in a great year for you. Happy New Year!!!

    Sam@WLABB recently posted: Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post
  7. I use My Fitness Pal too and I think it’s pretty good. I go to Pinterest to find low cal recipes and they have a big range for any type of diet you may want to try. It is tough staying on track, but so worth it! Good luck, Samantha! 🙂

  8. We’re cold enough for snow but don’t think we’ll get any. Ir’s crazy weather all across the US. I often commit to reading a book and then I’m not in the mood for it when it’s time to get that review going. This year I’m noy doing as mnay review tours and taking in less author requests so my reading mojo stays happy and healthy. Have a Happy New Year and stay toasty:)

  9. I know what you mean about obligation taking the joy out of reading. It’s why I don’t commit to reviews anymore. I read what I want and post a review if I feel like…and yet I still haven’t made it through as many books as you…not by a loooooong shot. lol. It was a busy season for me in part because my new picture book (Lost! A Caribbean Sea Adventure) launched just before Christmas (my second pre-Christmas picture book launches in as many years). Don’t think I’ll be making it a habit though. I spent the last of the old year at the beach (its a bit chilly here in the tropics but still beach friendly) and I hit the new year writing today (in part inspired by the sunset at the beach yesterday – you can check it out on my blog if you want); so I’m feeling pretty good about that. Happy New Year.

    Joanne recently posted: East Coast Sunset
  10. Looks like 2017 was a good reading year for you. You read a LOT of books! Go you!
    Hooray for a white Christmas. We actually have a small possibility of some flurries here in NE Florida over the next couple days. There’s snow just 50-60 miles north from us so it could definitely happen. It’s always such a novelty.
    Like you, my focus this year will be on reading what I want to read, when I want to read it. That means WAY fewer arcs. I’ll only request something if it’s from a favorite author or something I am truly excited for. No more requesting just because it sounds interesting. I’m neglecting too many awesome books on my shelves and on my Kindle that I’m excited to read. Here’s hoping we will both stick with this goal in 2018!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted: The Sunday Post #88
  11. I used to review for PR companies a lot, and ended up feeling like I always had a deadline to meet/it was all I posted. When I came back to blogging I chose not to do that often (I still do the odd one here or there, sometimes you can’t resist!) But it has been so freeing. I wish you luck with your goals!

    It’s a bummer about your headphones 🙁 I hope you can get a replacement sooner rather than later! I had some noise cancelling ones literally fall apart on me from using them so much and the replacements (same brand, later model) kind of suck (perhaps I’m a bit deaf, but these have a volume limiter on them that you can’t switch off, and I always get a rude shock when I put normal headphones in because they’re so much louder compared to these ones lol).

    Happy new year 🙂 I hope 2018 is a great one!

  12. I feel you on taking on less ARCs. I’m pretty much over them at this point. I love the concept of them but not the reality of them!

    I don’t like buying things to get by either. You get what you pay for and if it is something that is a priority to you it’s difficult to just get by. Especially when you can save up for the better option.

    As far as low calorie support: I use the Lose It app which is basically like MFP. I use eMeals for meal planning and Plan to Eat to create my meal plan and grocery lists. Some great free resources are Drizzle Me Skinny, Daily Dose of Pepper, Emily Bites, and Skinnytaste. A lot of these are geared toward Weight Watchers but with the new WW program everything will naturally be low calorie.

    Best of luck for a happier, healthier 2018!

    Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter recently posted: The Sunday Post – Saying Goodbye to 2017
  13. We had a white Christmas too  New Year’s eve was COOOOOLD! Glad to hear you enjoyed your break. I did too. And did pretty much the same binge watching, cleaning and reading  and I did have a hard time getting up at 6 this morning.  You made the right decision! I fell in a terrible slump in 2016 and had to do the same regarding challenges and ARCs. Good luck and Happy New year!

    Dragonfly @ Our Familiarium recently posted: See you at my new [old] blog!
  14. Our weather last week was in the 80s so we had a warm Christmas. Girl you have to check out Lauren Gleisberg for fitness and healthy eating tips. She uses weight training and cardio and has a realistic healthy eating plan. Almost all her workout challenges are free with an addon if you want to buy any of her plans. Her plans are siper cheap like around $20 bucks. I like her a lot have been doing her workouts since August. I love that she isnt always shoving sponsored items or trying to force you to buy something. Happy 2018!

  15. White Christmas! We didn’t this year, but I am glad at least someone could enjoy one this year – well, last year.

    I hope you will keep your resolution and read less ARCs and trim down your TBR – I am trying to do the same with my TBR although it seems impossible.

    I sometimes feel the same with the books I accept for review. So we should find the joy of reading once more in 2018!

    Happy New Year!

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