Review-The Consequences of Loving Colton

Posted April 7, 2015 in review Tags: ,

Review-The Consequences of Loving ColtonThe Consequence of Loving Colton (Consequence, #1) by Rachel Van Dyken
Pages: 304

Also by this author: The Consequence of Revenge, Capture, The Dark Ones, Untouchable Darkness, The Consequence of Seduction, Empire, The Matchmaker's Playbook, The Bachelor Auction, Enrage, The Playboy Bachelor, Eulogy, The Consequence of Rejection, Envy, Risky Play, Ruthless Princess, Surrender, Scandalous Prince, Mafia Casanova, Destructive King, Mafia King, Office Hate, Falling for the Villain, My Summer in Seoul, Broken Crown , Office Date, The Anti-Fan and the Idol, The Godparent Trap, Dissolution, Exposing the Groom, The Unperfects, Office Mate, Ciao Bella

My name is Milo Caro and I have a confession to make.I’ve been in love with Colton Mathews since I was five. He should have known that sharing a cookie with a sugar obsessed little monster would do the trick–it sealed his fate. So really, the fact that he’s sporting a black eye, a limp, almost got ran over by a car, and was nearly responsible for another person’s death? Right. HIs fault. Not mine. I made a pact with myself–this weekend would be different. I’d come home for my brothers wedding, smile, and Colton would naturally melt into my arms, we’d get married have five kids, live in a house by the river, and get a dog named scratch (clearly I’ve thought this through).What really happened? I punched my brother in the face, Colton kissed me and apologized, I lied about having a boyfriend, oh and everyone wants to meet the mystery man. They say laughter always comes before insanity–ha, ha. All I wanted was my brother’s best friend…instead I’m sitting in prison. Let this be a lesson to you all…life rarely happens the way you want it to. Damn cookie.


What I loved:

Ok, first let me say I haven’t laughed this much while reading a book in a LONG time. Seriously, this book is hilarious! All the characters are so funny in different ways and Rachel Van Dyken lets them all shine! I loved the progression of the love story-it wasn’t fast or rushed. The characters go through some of the most painful and funny experiences in order to get to each other. And the hijinks don’t stop once they are together either! Seriously, I never wanted this book to end. I will probably read it again tomorrow just to relive it. I’m not kidding people. Its my new favorite book.

Max. When you read the book you will understand why I love him so much. Everyone needs a Max in their lives.

Milo and Colton are great characters as well-both stubborn, competitive, and scared. I loved every interaction they had and craved more!

Rachel Van Dyken has written some of my favorite books but they were very different (Eagle Elite Series). This book was not what I expected. It was the best kind of surprise and one of the reasons she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.

What I didn’t love:

Nothing. Seriously, not a thing.


5 Stars just doesn’t seem like enough. Perhaps I need to create a new category for books that I love this much?

Mark it as TBR on Goodreads (Seriously-do it!)

Preorder on Amazon (Again, DO IT!)

Release date: April 21st (free on Kindle Unlimited)

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