Sunday Post Week 14

Posted April 10, 2016 in Roundup Tags:

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Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

Also, I had a #FreebieFriday post!

AND…..Did you see the 10 Romance Blogs I Love?!?! Let me know if you have some great ones I missed!

What’s Coming Up:

This week, I review these books:

  • Rushing the Goal by Toni Aleo (Enjoyed it!)
  • Going All the Way by Megan Ryder (It was okay)
  • Getting it Back by Elizabeth Harmon (it was okay)
  • Redemption and Regret by LA Cotton (Enjoyed it!)
  • Calling It by Jen Doyle (it was okay)
  • Riveted by Kenzie Macallan (cheesy)

Also, this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is 10 Books I everyone who loves Alpha Heroes should read!

This Week’s New Releases:

Check out all of the new releases in April!!ย 

What I Found Online:

This hilarious Buzzfeed article: 21 Products for People Who Won’t Be Fucked Over

This Week’s Book Haul:

Arcs from Publishers/Authors:

I also got Gripped by Joanne Schwehm, His Undercover Princess by Avery Flynn, and Sleeping with the Enemy by J.K. Coi! It was like I hit the ARC jackpot! Thanks to the publishers and authors for totally making my week!
Something for the Pain was a #Freebie! Blood Defense was my Kindle First book pick this month!

Non-Bookish News:

Mr. Book Disciple and I are looking at another house today! Wish us luck!

My first week back after spring break nearly did me in. I was exhausted and so incredibly stressed out. State testing, IEP meetings, paperwork….it was just too much. Plus, I am the ACT test supervisor, so I had to get all the materials ready for yesterdays testing and then spend my Saturday at work administering the ACT to 100 high schoolers. Is it June yet?

The weather here is CRAZY! Its actually suppose to snow a little. Seriously?!? Get it together Ohio! I am the testing administrator for the ACT at our school. That means that yesterday I had to go to work at 7 am and then administer the ACT to 100 high school students. When I walked out to my car that morning it was covered in a layer of snow. Its April!! While the kids were testing it started to snow a little. None of the snow really stuck but still!

I need to get my butt back into tracking my food and exercising. Anyone have any tips for motivation?? I need serious help!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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16 responses to “Sunday Post Week 14

  1. Good luck on the house hunt…Sundays are great days for looking.

    Great and impressive week of reading and reviewing…and fabulous looking new books. I can’t wait to get my hands on The Obsession…one could say I’m obsessed!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I can’t wait till June either, than no homework for the kids. It’s more routine when they are in school but the homework is killing me ๐Ÿ™‚
    NJ needs to get it together too. It was suppose to snow but it snowed more down South Jersey but it’s FREEZING today.

    I hope you have a great week! Happy Reading!

    • Yes, I know lots of parents are as excited for June as the teachers are! Its just so much work for everyone!
      Today was a tad bit warmer but it was really windy which didn’t make it feel any warmer! But, by the end of the week its suppose to be 70 degrees so thats something!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. PLEASE! June get here!! I hope the house looked good today. If not, no biggie, right? And I like the summer for eating healthier anyways. You can throw anything on the bar-b-que and the veggies are fresher at the market. Don’t sweat it until then. I would just cut out a meal out once a week or something like that.

    I love all your new books this week! Definitely a romance vibe going ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Actually, it was a potential lot to build on and it was PERFECT! I hope to find out more this week.
      I am hoping summer will help me get on track with my fitness. I’m off work so I should work out more then. Plus your right, eating healthier is easier then.

  4. Good luck with the house! (Or, since you’ve probably already seen by the time you get this comment, how’d it go?)

    My goodness, what’s with so many bloggers still getting snow?! Sounds like the weather really does need to get it together lol.

    • We looked at a potential lot today that we want to have the house built on and it was perfect. Now, hopefully, our realtor doesn’t drop the ball (again)!

      and the snow is just crazy. I couldn’t believe it! I mean, seriously! its April!

  5. Sounds like you had a busy week, I hope next week is better! And good luck with looking at that house, I hope it’s a good one! We didn’t get any snow at all this year, which is a weird too. It’s been warmer weather here and it really feels like spring. You got a nice haul of books this week! I hope you’ll enjoy them all and have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #173
    • I have always been a super fast reader! I grew up in a family of super fast readers and never even realized it wasn’t normal until college when all my dorm mates commented on it! Once I start a book, I read until I’m finished. I can get most books finished in 2 hrs or so! And, I don’t have kids, so that frees up a lot of my time ๐Ÿ™‚

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