Shock Advised by Lani Lynn Vale: Review

Posted April 6, 2016 in review Tags: ,

Shock Advised by Lani Lynn Vale: ReviewShock Advised by Lani Lynn Vale
Pages: 271
Series: Kilgore Fire #1
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Also by this author: Execution Style, Charlie Foxtrot, Coup de Grace, Right to my Wrong, Hail No, Beard Mode, Lights To My Siren, Fear the Beard, I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie , I'm Only Here for the Beard, Dragons Need Love, Too , Oh, My Dragon, Kevlar To My Vest , Keys To My Cuffs, Life To My Flight , Hissy Fit, Talkin' Trash, Lord Have Mercy, Hide Your Crazy, How About No, I'd Rather Not, Make Me, Sinners are Winners, If You Say So, Just Kidding, Herd That, Fries Before Guys, Crazy Heifer, Maybe Swearing Will Help, Keep it Classy, Chute Yeah, Get Bucked, May Contain Wine, Jokes on You, Somethin' About That Boy, Join the Club, Any Day Now, Say It Ain't So, Officially Over It, Nobody Knows, Depends on Who's Asking, Repeat Offender, Conjugal Visits, Jailbait, Quit Bein' Ugly, Doin' a Dime, Kitty Kitty, No Rep, Gen Pop, Jerk It, Inmate of the Month , Chalk Dirty to Me, Shakedown , Always Someone's Monster, Make Me Your Villain , Rattle Some Cages , Get Tragic , Strange and Unusual, Suck This, Never Trust the Living, Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty, Good Trouble, Cute But Psycho, Annoyed At First Sight, The Voices Are Back, Special Kind of Twisted, I'll Just Date Myself, Fun House, Freak Show, Show Off, Clown Motel, Big Nick Energy, Sold to the Circus, Killing Booth, The Fool, No Cap, I Can't Even, Thirst Trap, Clap Back, Rent Free, Time To Bounce, Yolo, Stay Toxic, Hey Daddy

Taima, a.k.a. Tai, is the last person people come to for help. He’s the fuck up… the bad boy… the guy that only looks out for himself.
Which couldn’t be further from the truth.
He’s fought hard to become the man he is today. He’s a hero in the public’s eye. A firefighter that the young all the way to the old turn to for help at the lowest point in their lives.
What people don’t know, though, is that he’s no hero. He’s the reason his sister is dead, and he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to right that wrong.
Then one split second decision has him coming face to face with Mia Darling. The woman changes his life, making him reevaluate everything he thought he had figured out, and showing him the tenderness he never knew he needed.
Just like always, though, his luck runs out.
When the smoke settles, Mia’s gone, and Tai realizes there’s no way he can live the rest of his life without her. He’ll show her just how hard a bad boy will fight to get his woman back, and he’s not opposed to fighting dirty.

Shock Advised
Lani Lynn Vale

what i think

I typically LOVE Vale’s books. Shock Advised is book 1 in her new Kilgore Fire series. So, it takes place in the same setting as her KPD Swat books and therefore you see a LOT of the previous characters. Normally, I love books that give us glimpses into previous characters. However, because Vale has so many books and characters it felt like a non stop parade of previous characters. The focus wasn’t on Tai and Mia. Of course you are seeing snippets of the relationship between the 2 but I never felt it was the focus and that really detracted from the book for me. I felt like Tai and Mia’s characters weren’t really developed and I never fully connected with them. I think Shock Advised had a lot of potential but it veered off course for me.



if you liked

Justice for Corrie by Susan Stoker, An Act of Salvation by KC Lynn, Defy by Allie Juliette Mousseau…then you will probably like Shock Advised!

where to get it

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Other Books in the Series


Lani Lynn Vale is a USA Today bestselling author of Contemporary and Romantic Suspense and has a love for all things romance. Lani is married to the love of her life that she met in high school. She fell in love with him because he was wearing baseball pants. Ten years later they have three perfectly crazy children and a cat named Demon who likes to wake her up at ungodly times in the night. They live in the greatest state in the world, Texas. You can find Lani in front of her computer writing away in her fictional characters world…that is until her husband and kids demand sustenance in the form of food and drink.

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