Sunday Post

Posted July 3, 2016 in Roundup Tags: ,

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Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  • Moonshot by Alessandra Torre (Good! Don’t read any spoilers though!)
  • Phoenix Freed by Elise Faber (Great PNR series!)
  • Wrong Place, Right Time by Elle Casey (Cute single parent romance)
  • Pieces by T. Aleo (Unique, but ultimately I felt it wasn’t well developed)
  • Hacking the SEAL by Leslie North (meh…same ole, same ole)
  • Audio review of Where I belong by J. Daniels (LOVED the narrators but the story pissed me off!)

This Week’s New Releases:

Open Giveaways:

Check out the blog hop I am a part of on FB! Enter to win all kinds of prizes!

What I Found Online:

This Week’s Book Haul:

ARCs from authors and/or publishers! It was a successful week!

Non-Bookish News:

Ok, so I found out that book 5 in the Unexpected Consequences series is call The Concubine. I love this series, but if he cheats on her, I won’t be able to read it!!! Guys, I am FREAKING OUT!!!!! He can’t cheat! I have loved this series so much. Now I am too scared to keep reading. Ugh…..Anybody else have any big No-No’s in books?

Well, not much happened. I mean, seriously, I didn’t even leave my house. That makes me VERY happy. I am such a homebody and if I could find a good paying job working from home, I would TOTALLY do it. It also saves on gas which is a plus!

My OCD was a little amped up this week. I noticed some of my old obsessions returning and my sleep has become almost nonexistent at night. I might fall asleep around 2 am, only to get up at 6 am! My OCD triggers occur when things are out of my control-so when I am asleep I am terrified something will happen. I often wake up multiple times to check and make sure that my husband and our dogs are still breathing. I don’t like leaving the house because something could happen while I am gone, like the house catching on fire or getting into a terrible car accident. So, sleeping is difficult! Usually, when I’m working, its not so bad because I am so exhausted from work. I take benedryl every night, plus my other medications make me sleepy but it doesn’t matter. Nothing is stronger than the power of my OCD! The balance is I don’t frequently have to leave the house during the summer, so I am not as worried about that obsession. I have to see my doctor every 6 months for medication check ins but I am just about maxed out on my dose. I know she is going to push for me to do cognitive behavior therapy again but I just don’t want to. I know my obsessions are unlikely. I know the fear isn’t rational. It doesn’t make it go away though. Like I said, when I’m working, it does seem better for the most part because my mind is focused on other things. I do typically notice a day or two every 2-3 months where my OCD gets overwhelming and I have to take a literal mental health day. Not really sure what my point is with this long, rambling post, but its 1 am and I can’t sleep 🙂

Anyone have any fun plans for the 4th? Its suppose to rain here. My dogs HATE fireworks so we usually stay home with them because they freak. Plus, I am not sure how loud it might be in the new house. At the old house, they had the town fireworks a block away. We are pretty far out in the country now so hopefully it won’t be too big of an issue!

So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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17 responses to “Sunday Post

  1. I’m very curious about Moonshot. I haven’t read the author before, but I like the sound of this book.
    OK if that dude from the series you love cheats at book 5 I’m going to be so pissed on your behalf!! That would be so frustrating, especially since its book 5!! *angry face* You’ll have to let me know when you find out!
    I’m sorry to hear about the OCD posing you a problem this week. I’m sorry you have to live with it. *hugs*
    Take care and happy reading! <3

    • Oh Moonshot was like WHAT! Love Triangle, serial killer, hot athlete, surprise pregnancy…it was non stop!
      Right-if he cheats in book 5 I will KLLL someone. Seriously! Not going to make it!
      Thanks for the virtual hug! Its nice to have support. Hope you enjoy your week!

  2. You read a lot of books in June! Impressive. My June was kind of a fizzle, with only ten books read and reviewed. Usually I do 14-15, and sometimes 16-17.

    But not this month.

    Oh, and I did finish OITNB….stunning ending episodes! It is going to be so hard to wait for that next season. Wow!

    Enjoy your week, and I hope you are able to sleep better….thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Oh no! I don’t even read that series but I don’t want him to cheat just for your sake! And sorry your OCD has been acting up :-/ That sounds rough.

    I don’t have any plans for the 4th. I’ll probably just watch a few fireworks from the window since there are bound to be some people with those big illegal fireworks nearby. There always is lol. Have a great week!

  4. Oh you got some nice looking books for review! I am a homebody too so I like it when I get to stay home and just read. ::) I am not doing anything for the 4th but catching up on some shows I have DVRed and reading. 🙂

    Have a great week and happy reading,

  5. Happy 4th July – hope the fireworks don’t upset the dogs too much!

    I know what you mean about staying home. I’d be happy to do so for as much as possible as well!

  6. Those videos are so great. 🙂 I love Jimmy Fallon and his lipsync contests. I never watch the show live, but I often wish I could. I can never manage to stay up that late though.

    I don’t like it when characters in books cheat either. Especially in romance novels. Looks like you’ve been reading some great books! Katie Ruggle is on my list to try. I hope you enjoy your new ones. Moonshot caught my eye immediately. Maybe because we’ll be going to minor league baseball game tomorrow for the Fourth of July. My daughter really wants to see the fireworks and the game seemed a more viable option to make that happen rather than fight for parking and the crowds at the city run firework show. It should be fun.

    I’m really more of a homebody too. And oh my gosh would I ever love to work in my home! Unfortunatley my particular job doesn’t allow for telecommuting, but switching to a position that does is sometimes tempting . . . I’m sorry about your insomnia and OCD acting up more. I feel for you. I sometimes suffer from insomnia and my anxiety occasionally gets the better of me. It was really bad right after I had my daughter. And while that’s nothing compared to what you are dealing with, I can only imagne how much harder it must be for you. Thank goodness for our books! Anyhow, I’m thinking of you and sending cyber hugs your way, Samantha.

    I hope you have a nice quiet Fourth of July!

  7. Your OCD sounds pretty rough. I appreciate you sharing what it is like for you. I think we all go really morbid with our thoughts every once in a while, but it doesn’t usually keep me up at night. I hope you find some relief soon, or at least enjoy your time at home.
    I don’t really have any hard limits for what I am reading, I just hate when I can’t get into a book. I have read almost every genre at some point in my reading, but some I can’t stomach anymore. I wish I could just read anything now without prejudice. I don’t like when they have actual people on the cover, but that really has nothing to do with the story itself. A kindle could save me from that.
    Anyways, sorry I got all ramply on this comment. Have a great week!

    • Its funny because I LOVE books with people on the cover but only if either their entire head or part of the face isn’t shown! Weird right? Hahaha!

    • I have no kids and am on summer break from work right now so I have LOTS of time! On a good day, I have read 3 books! My husband just shakes his head and laughs.

  8. Holy reviews! Wow that is impressive.

    So sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I have trouble sleeping too and take Benedryl most night but nothing as severe as you. I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be…and no matter how much we can tell ourselves that certain fears are irrational…it’s just not that easy to turn it off as that. I hope that you find a solution that works for you.

  9. I’m sorry about your OCD acting up – that must be really hard, and I understand that “get better” is a stupid thing to say with anything chronic, but I hope it gets more manageable soon!

    I hate cheating in books (and in real life ha) too – I hope that book works out for you after all and that you had a great 4th of July!

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