Sunday Post: Week 29

Posted July 24, 2016 in Roundup Tags:

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Welcome to this week’s Sunday Post. This feature is brought to you by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, so swing by after you are done here and get the full list of participants!

What I Reviewed:

What’s Coming Up:

  • Ultimate Courage by Piper J Drake
  • Virtue Falls by Christina Dodd (audio review)
  • Dirty for Me by Jackie Ashenden (Spoiler Alert-DNF!)
  • Only an Earl Will Do by Tamara Gill
  • Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas

This Week’s New Releases:

What I Found Online:

Parajunkie is dishing Blogger Pet Peeves and number 1 is top of my list!!!
Chelsea and Anna over at Star Crossed Book Blogs tell us why so many people struggle with NA books and they give us their recommendations!
Nick and Nereyeda give us their Guide to Friend to More books!

This Week’s Book Haul:

I might have gone a little nuts on NetGalley this week…I have a problem!

Non-Bookish News:

Holy heat wave Batman! Its been like an oven here in SW Ohio. A really humid oven. My dogs don’t even want to go outside. I am dreading our electric bill since our AC has run pretty much non stop 🙁

This week I watched the most recent season on Criminal Minds. I so, so, love that show! I think I watched the whole season in like 2 days!

My allergies have been so bad I haven’t been able to wear my contacts since May! But, seeing as I am going back to work soon, I really need my contacts (wearing my glasses with my hearing aids is SUPER annoying-especially when its hot!). So I have been trying to wear them for a few hours each day. They still burn my eyes but its getting better. (or maybe thats just what I am trying to convince myself to think!)

My sweet (and crazy) puppy turns 7 years old tomorrow! She’s a grown up! Where did the time go? Even when she’s a crazy dog, I love her so much. She really is more like a therapy dog for me! I am able to do more things when I can take her. She used to be able to go to work with me! We rescued her from the SPCA in Raleigh, NC when she was just 8 weeks old! She destroyed our house-she tore up the berber carpet, she ate a window sill, she chewed a hole in the wall, she devoured a couch and a love seat-but we love her. She has outgrown most of that. Usually. When I keep my eye on her.


So, whats new with you this week? Did you read any of the same books I did? Did you find any great book deals I need to grab ASAP? Let me know in the comments!

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17 responses to “Sunday Post: Week 29

  1. It has been sweltering down here in Florida as well and those humidity levels make it horrible! I just spent most of last outside but now I think I will stay curled up in the a/c. 🙂
    Enjoy your new books!

  2. Hot here in Alabama too. In the triple digits with the heat index and so humid you almost feel like you are under water. I spend a lot of time in the pool and only do yard work in the early morning. Your puppy is a cutie and that snow almost looks good. LOL

    • Yeah, I have pretty much stayed inside. Our back deck is west facing and has NO shade so by the evening, I can’t even go out there! Its so incredibly hot that I can’t stand it.

  3. Yikes, sorry about the allergies and that you haven’t been able to wear contacts. But aww your dog is so cute, though the destroying the house part probably wasn’t quite so cute for you lol.

    Enjoy all your new books and have a great week!

  4. I’m sure a lot of people aren’t going to be happy with their AC bills for this month. Aww … happy b-day to puppy. They sure can drive us crazy sometimes, but we love our 4-legged babies anyway. 😀 Have a great week.

  5. Stephanie W.

    It’s in the 90s here in Austin Texas! Thank goodness book reading is an INSIDE hobby! Really want to read Marrying Wintertborne by Lisa Kleypas! ♡

  6. I’m definitely about done with the heat wave. I normally like heat but weeks of triple digits have me done. It doesn’t have to be cold – I’d be happy with temps in the 80s! – just not this hot. I’m sorry about your allergies. Mine have been bothering me quite a bit too but I’ve been lucky that it’s not constant. Hope whatever is blooming stops blooming soon. Have a great week!

  7. We have really hot weather, too, thank goodness for AC! Freddy doesn’t really want to go outside either, he’s kind of running to a spot where he can do his business before straining the leash to get back home…
    I hope your allergies will disappear so you can use your contacts again. I can’t wear mine at all anymore – I think it’s because I abused contacts when I was much younger, though.
    Your new books look fantastic! I hope you’ll enjoy them all.
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.

  8. I saw something on the news about the heat dome, that sucks. It has been super hot here in Connecticut. I am from Florida (moved here late, late 2014) so I thought I could take the heat. WRONG! The worst thing about hot CT is that 3/4 of the population does not have a/c. I do home health, so when I work I sweat in other people’s houses. We don’t have central a/c in the house we bought, we just put window units in all the bedrooms. The awful thing about open floor plan is that no window unit can cool it. Ugh! I am so sick of sweating. Can’t wait for fall!
    I had allergies really bad when I was pregnant with my first kid. I had to put 4 different drops in daily just to function, my eyes were always red and watery. Sight is sort of essential. I understand how this must suck for you. I am really attached to my contacts, I would be pretty devastated to wear glasses to see all the time. I hope whatever is affecting your eyes moves out of your area.
    Your pup is so cute! Have a great week!

  9. Happy Birthday to your dog! Mine tore up the house when he was a puppy too. I miss having a dog around the house. 🙁 I am sorry to hear your allergies have been so bad. My daughter’s have gotten the better of her lately. I feel so bad for her. I hope you are feeling better soon–and are able to stay cool!

  10. Happy b-day to your dog — isn’t it crazy how fast time flies? I love that you comment on the viscous heat wave, then share a picture with snow; wishful thinking?! Snow sounds so heavenly right now!!!

    Allergies suck. And bad reactions to contacts suck just as much — hope they stop being problematic soon!

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