No Rep by Lani Lynn Vale

Posted July 27, 2021 in review Tags: , ,

No Rep by Lani Lynn ValeNo Rep by Lani Lynn Vale
Pages: 208
Series: Madd CrossFit #1
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Setting: Paris, TX
Source: ARC
Also in this series: Jerk It, Chalk Dirty to Me
Also by this author: Execution Style, Charlie Foxtrot, Coup de Grace, Right to my Wrong, Shock Advised, Hail No, Beard Mode, Lights To My Siren, Fear the Beard, I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie , I'm Only Here for the Beard, Dragons Need Love, Too , Oh, My Dragon, Kevlar To My Vest , Keys To My Cuffs, Life To My Flight , Hissy Fit, Talkin' Trash, Lord Have Mercy, Hide Your Crazy, How About No, I'd Rather Not, Make Me, Sinners are Winners, If You Say So, Just Kidding, Herd That, Fries Before Guys, Crazy Heifer, Maybe Swearing Will Help, Keep it Classy, Chute Yeah, Get Bucked, May Contain Wine, Jokes on You, Somethin' About That Boy, Join the Club, Any Day Now, Say It Ain't So, Officially Over It, Nobody Knows, Depends on Who's Asking, Repeat Offender, Conjugal Visits, Jailbait, Quit Bein' Ugly, Doin' a Dime, Kitty Kitty, Gen Pop, Jerk It, Inmate of the Month , Chalk Dirty to Me, Shakedown , Always Someone's Monster, Make Me Your Villain , Rattle Some Cages , Get Tragic , Strange and Unusual, Suck This, Never Trust the Living, Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty, Good Trouble, Cute But Psycho, Annoyed At First Sight, The Voices Are Back, Special Kind of Twisted, I'll Just Date Myself, Fun House, Freak Show, Show Off, Clown Motel, Big Nick Energy, Sold to the Circus, Killing Booth, The Fool, No Cap, I Can't Even, Thirst Trap, Clap Back, Rent Free, Time To Bounce, Yolo, Stay Toxic, Hey Daddy
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Taos was tired.Tired of everything that came with living. Not to the point where he was suicidal or anything, but tired enough that he just didn’t give a crap anymore.He’d seen all the ugliness this world had to offer due to his job as a police officer for way too many damn years of his less than stellar life. After finding a way to sustain his spending habits that didn’t include having criminals point guns at his face, he quits without a backward glance.Only, he just can’t step away from old habits.Old habits that have to do with a beautiful young woman that makes his heart feel like it isn’t nearly as broken as it is.Fran has experienced more than her fair share of crap. After an attack that nearly took her life, she stays hidden in her house, fearful that stepping out of her comfort zone will be the final nail in her coffin.Then her sister forces her to face her fears, and she joins Madd CrossFit.There, she meets the man that saved her life a year ago, and realizes rather quickly that he doesn’t even realize who he is to her.He’s everything she ever thought a man should be and wants nothing to do with her.Maybe she’ll have to give him a reason to look her way.And damned if she doesn’t find a way to do it.She didn’t plan on nearly getting killed for that to happen, though.At least not again.

No Rep totally took me by surprise! There is just so much happening and I loved it. At first, I was apprehensive because I am not a crossfit person (or an exercise person) but that is just a small part of the story. It’s how Taos and Fran meet, but the book has so much more.

Fran was assaulted and nearly killed, and the cop that saved her was Taos. Neither puts it together immediately, but Fran figures it out pretty quickly. He never forgot the woman, but he didn’t recognize her because she was so badly beaten in the assault. Fran has rebuilt her life in remarkable ways, so it is just impossible not to love her! She is a fiercely loyal sister, devoted aunt, and sympathetic person all around (except to Maria but she is bitch who deserved it).

Taos is recovering from a bad marriage and dealing with a crazy ex, but he feels a connection to Fran. The only thing that really bothered me is that they didn’t communicate that well. She was retreating because she thought that was what he wanted, and he let her and never told her how he felt. She was constantly second guessing things and he just let her walk away instead of tell her he liked it. I mean, it wasn’t bad and it didn’t really cause issues, but it was annoying at times.

As I mentioned, No Rep is a busy (in a good way) story. We start in the gym that Taos and his friend own. Then we find out that Taos was a badass detective who is well known for solving one of the most high profile serial murder case in the area. Oh, and he is also a best selling author. So, everything starts with the gym and the bootcamp Fran signed up for. But then there are these super grizzly murders. Then there is the romance. Then there is some family drama. Personally, all this worked really well for me because the book moved at a quick pace. It always feels more natural to me when there is a lot going on in the characters lives.

If you like more mature characters (Taos is in his mid 30’s) and humor, suspense, and sexy times, No Rep is a delightful pick!


Overall: four-half-stars

authors like Kristen Ashley, Aurora Rose Reynolds, Chelle Bliss…then you will probably like No Rep!

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