Nobody Cares Unless You’re Pretty by Lani Lynn Vale

Posted November 1, 2022 in review Tags: ,

Nobody Cares Unless You’re Pretty by Lani Lynn ValeNobody Cares Unless You're Pretty by Lani Lynn Vale

Series: Gator Bait MC #1
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Setting: Accident, FL
Source: ARC, Audible
Narrator: Cindy Harden, Will Peters
Also in this series: Good Trouble, Cute But Psycho, Annoyed At First Sight, The Voices Are Back, Special Kind of Twisted, I'll Just Date Myself
Also by this author: Execution Style, Charlie Foxtrot, Coup de Grace, Right to my Wrong, Shock Advised, Hail No, Beard Mode, Lights To My Siren, Fear the Beard, I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie , I'm Only Here for the Beard, Dragons Need Love, Too , Oh, My Dragon, Kevlar To My Vest , Keys To My Cuffs, Life To My Flight , Hissy Fit, Talkin' Trash, Lord Have Mercy, Hide Your Crazy, How About No, I'd Rather Not, Make Me, Sinners are Winners, If You Say So, Just Kidding, Herd That, Fries Before Guys, Crazy Heifer, Maybe Swearing Will Help, Keep it Classy, Chute Yeah, Get Bucked, May Contain Wine, Jokes on You, Somethin' About That Boy, Join the Club, Any Day Now, Say It Ain't So, Officially Over It, Nobody Knows, Depends on Who's Asking, Repeat Offender, Conjugal Visits, Jailbait, Quit Bein' Ugly, Doin' a Dime, Kitty Kitty, No Rep, Gen Pop, Jerk It, Inmate of the Month , Chalk Dirty to Me, Shakedown , Always Someone's Monster, Make Me Your Villain , Rattle Some Cages , Get Tragic , Strange and Unusual, Suck This, Never Trust the Living, Good Trouble, Cute But Psycho, Annoyed At First Sight, The Voices Are Back, Special Kind of Twisted, I'll Just Date Myself, Fun House, Freak Show, Show Off, Clown Motel, Big Nick Energy, Sold to the Circus, Killing Booth, The Fool, No Cap, I Can't Even, Thirst Trap
Amazon iBooks Audible

The problem with Wake was that he was understandable. He was the type of villain that literally scared the absolute shit out of you because you knew that under the right circumstances, you could end up exactly like him.
Which, sadly, was the case for me.
I’d done the exact same thing as Wake, and now I was a murderer just like him.
Did I know that I did wrong? Hell yes.
Did I regret that? Hell no.
Did I plan on changing a thing? Also, no.
Was I falling in love with a man that should scare the shit out of me? A resounding hell yes.

Nobody Cares Unless You’re Pretty kicks off a new series by Vale. If you read the Battle Crow’s MC series, you have already met the leads in this book: Wake and Dutch!

Wake went to prison for all the RIGHT reasons. Finding his brother in law attempting to molest his daughter and then killing the guy-understandable! Killing a bunch of other pedophiles who escaped prosecution? Makes sense. But it landed him in prison for 10 years. He is finally out and trying to settle back into life in Accident, Florida. He met Dory as her neighbor for the brief time she was living in Florida. Dory worked for Dutch at her psychology practice. Dutch meets Wake when she wants information on how to kill someone.

I loved Wake in Dory’s book previously so I was really excited to get more of his story. I love how understanding and supportive he is of his daughter, and he has a really good relationship with his sister. Dutch on the other hand, doesn’t have a great relationship with her “mother”. Both Dutch and Wake aren’t willing to sit back and let children be harmed. They have an interesting relationship for sure. The story has some unanswered questions that led to a larger story arc that will likely span the series. Personally, I love that! I really enjoyed the story and the characters and am very excited to see where Vale takes this new series.



Kristen Ashley’s Rock Chick series, Aurora Rose Reynolds Until series, …then you will probably like Nobody Cares Unless You’re Pretty!

Nobody Cares Unless You’re Pretty

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gator bait MC

nobody cares

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2 responses to “Nobody Cares Unless You’re Pretty by Lani Lynn Vale

  1. I know how much you love this author and I really need to pick her up soon. My library doesn’t have much of her stuff but your reviews always leave me intrigued. I really love the sound of this one here, It sounds like the author kicked it off great.

    Great review!

    Lover of Romance recently posted: October 2022: Monthly Recap

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