Never Trust the Living by Lani Lynn Vale

Posted October 4, 2022 in review Tags:

Never Trust the Living by Lani Lynn ValeNever Trust the Living by Lani Lynn Vale
Pages: 249
Series: Battle Crows #7
Setting: Intercourse, TX
Source: ARC
Also in this series: Strange and Unusual
Also by this author: Execution Style, Charlie Foxtrot, Coup de Grace, Right to my Wrong, Shock Advised, Hail No, Beard Mode, Lights To My Siren, Fear the Beard, I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie , I'm Only Here for the Beard, Dragons Need Love, Too , Oh, My Dragon, Kevlar To My Vest , Keys To My Cuffs, Life To My Flight , Hissy Fit, Talkin' Trash, Lord Have Mercy, Hide Your Crazy, How About No, I'd Rather Not, Make Me, Sinners are Winners, If You Say So, Just Kidding, Herd That, Fries Before Guys, Crazy Heifer, Maybe Swearing Will Help, Keep it Classy, Chute Yeah, Get Bucked, May Contain Wine, Jokes on You, Somethin' About That Boy, Join the Club, Any Day Now, Say It Ain't So, Officially Over It, Nobody Knows, Depends on Who's Asking, Repeat Offender, Conjugal Visits, Jailbait, Quit Bein' Ugly, Doin' a Dime, Kitty Kitty, No Rep, Gen Pop, Jerk It, Inmate of the Month , Chalk Dirty to Me, Shakedown , Always Someone's Monster, Make Me Your Villain , Rattle Some Cages , Get Tragic , Strange and Unusual, Suck This, Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty, Good Trouble, Cute But Psycho, Annoyed At First Sight, The Voices Are Back, Special Kind of Twisted, I'll Just Date Myself, Fun House, Freak Show, Show Off, Clown Motel, Big Nick Energy, Sold to the Circus, Killing Booth, The Fool, No Cap, I Can't Even, Thirst Trap, Clap Back, Rent Free, Time To Bounce, Yolo, Stay Toxic, Hey Daddy
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It’s not every day that someone tries to pin a murder on you and a random girl you just met. But Bram Crow isn’t your average, everyday guy, either.
One second, he’s hiding evidence with the girl, and the next, he has to marry her so a police detective doesn’t get suspicious.
Did he mention that he had a long-term girlfriend at the time?
To say that things didn’t go as planned would be an understatement.
To say that falling in love with his wife definitely wasn’t part of the plan either.
Nor was her leaving him when he finally realized she was his world.

Never Trust the Living had me in tears for like 75% of the book! Dory has had just the worst life, and her husband only adds to the heartache. The storyline crosses all the other brothers’ stories timeline which I found interesting. However, you don’t need to read them to appreciate Dory and Bram’s story.

Dory was an abused kid who grew into a tortured adult, all at the hands of her sadistic brother. When she saves Bram, her life changes. Everything in me wanted it to be for the better, but it wasn’t. She continues to be a discarded, lonely woman for 10 years while married to Bram. His family is awful to her. Bram is indifferent. After 10 years, she leaves.

Listen, I’m not gonna lie, I never quite forgave Bram. He knew so little about his own wife! Dory, who was just happy that no one was trying to kill her, took whatever tiny pieces of attention Bram threw her way. So, yeah, I’m still not okay with Bram. He had 10 years!!!! 10 years of marriage for him to finally get any of it right, and he didn’t. UGH!

So, my problems with Bram aside, I adored Dory’s book (I’m not calling it Bram’s book even though he is the Crow brother) and wanted all good things for her! I enjoyed getting a peek into the hero of the next series as well.


Overall: four-stars

Other fake relationship tropes like The Bride Test by Helen Hoang, Wife by Wednesday by Cathrine Bybee, You’re the One by Layla Hagen…then you will probably like Never Trust the Living!

Never Trust the Living

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